Friday, May 8, 2015

Story Time Friday: Forever Waiting At The Gate

    Thank goodness it's Friday, it's been a long week. Some of it has been good and some bad, though mostly good. Still working on getting into the exercise grove. Though I have gotten out and walked just haven't done any Tae Bo yet this week. I'm still working on following my schedule which is not coming easy but I'm trying and that is what counts. I think the schedule is a good one and that it will work just have to get into the groove of it. And I will keep trying and adjusting as I need to. I hope you have all had a good week. But today we have a sad and slightly spooky story. So without further ado on with the show.

Forever Waiting At The Gate
    If you walk are walking in the West End of Portland, ME on a night when the full moon is out, and happen to be walking past the West End Cemetery you might see a figure sitting on a bench under an umbrella. It happens every full moon outside the cemetery and there is nothing to fear from the figure. He is just the ghost a man who lost his one true love and used to sit outside there mourning her.
    He never could bring himself to go into the cemetery, even after he died. He sits outside the cemetery still mourning her. Even as her spirit stands at the gate urging him to come in and join her. But for some reason he can't bring himself to. Some unknown force keeps him from doing so. So he sits there rain or shine only visible beneath the light of the full moon longing for his true love. And she is unable to come join him because of that same unknown force.
    Some say they are being punished for some sin they committed. Others say they are star crossed lovers. Still others say they were cursed by a Gypsy woman. The reasons they are separated go on and on. Many have tried to bring them together but always they fail. One has to wonder if they will be stuck that way even after the end of the world.
    In time something will give I'm sure but till then this is such a sorrowful tale. I would hate to be the man separated from his true love. But for now the man mourns and the woman waits wanting her true love to come to her so longingly. Only time knows when that will happen.
    I hope you enjoyed my little tale. Though it didn't come out as long as I intended it too. I'm still working on horror stories. It's something new to me. Let me know what you thought in the comments below. For now I need more coffee. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the coffee maker.*

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