Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Politics, Movies, And Schedules

    It has been a pretty good week overall. I'm adjusting pretty well overall to my new schedule. There have been some bumps along the way, but it looks like it is going to be good fit. I've made adjustments here and there to give a better balance between social and study/work. I'm working toward a good balance between the two. There will probably be more adjustments to make along the way but I think I have a good foundation.

    I found out yesterday that a program I'm part of gives me a free movie ticket once every two months. So I'm going to be seeing more movies soon. Once I can get the hang of writing movie reviews they will be included on Mondays. I like going to the movies a lot. There is something about the theater experience when seeing a movie that just can't be replicated. Eventually I will have one built into my house. Though it won't be the same so I will still have to go out to the movies. And going to the movies alone is never as much fun as going with someone else. The whispering amongst yourselves when a good part happens or even a bad part is just part of the experience. And you have to get the popcorn and soda to complete it.

    There seems to always be a movie I want to see playing at the local theater. Some movie that just grabs me by the collar and says come watch me. I mean sure I can wait and get the Blu-ray when it comes out and watch it on my computer but it is just not the same as going to see it in the theater. Especially when it is a highly anticipated one then it is an event of sorts. Like when the Harry Potter movies were coming out. Those were events to be part of. I still haven't been part of something like that, but I want to be someday.

    Now it was also announced this week that Bernie Sanders is running for President. And I support him. Some might ask why, and here is why. He is a plain spoken person with no ties to any corporations. As well as wanting to be tough on Wall Street and make education more available to people. Along with health care. He also wants to make it so no one is on welfare and being paid a fair wage for their work. He is a candidate for the people and funded by the people. He speaks very bluntly and very strongly. He takes no shit from anyone in the press and corrects them anytime they are wrong. He also acknowledges climate change is an issue and wants to do something about it before it is too late.

    Plus he is independent in nature even if he is seeking the Democrat Nomination, but that is because he has more in common with Democrats than Republicans. And that is not a bad thing because he still speaks a message that resonates with Republicans but is harder to hear for some of them in this day and age. But the only way he can win is for people like me and those that support him to get out and vote. Voting is important even if you disagree with me. It is your voice dictating how government will be shaped in the coming years. Especially in the close races. I'll climb down off my soap box now.

    I hope you enjoyed hearing my thoughts today and there will be a post tomorrow not sure yet on what but there will be one. Leave Comments below on what you think and if you have any recommendations for upcoming movies. For now I'm off to dinner. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

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