Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday Review: Allegiant

    Happy Monday everyone and I hope you are all doing well this morning. I'm still getting the sleep out of my eyes despite a cup of coffee and having been up since 9 AM. But feeling good today especially since I'm working on following a new schedule and seeing how it works. I have an early start on it, but we'll see how it goes from here. I'm feeling confident about it though. And I've finished three books last week so there will be three weeks of Monday Review coming up on Mondays in the future. But you didn't come here today for me to ramble on you came for a review. So without further ado on with the show.

    Today we are looking at Allegiant by Veronica Roth, the 3rd book in The Divergent Series. I knew how it ended before I finished it, since it was hard not to with all the spoilers floating around online. Plus I started reading the trilogy late compared to some. It tends to happen a lot with me and popular trilogies. But I was not disappointed with this novel one bit. The switching off between Tris and Four kept me engaged and seeing the world from a new perspective, which was amazing and new to me in this trilogy. I also was amazed at the outside world that was finally revealed to us in this novel.

    The characters grew so much in this book, and not just the main ones but all of them. Even some of those who were perceived as villains before. But alas not every character can grow some are too stuck in their ways. But for the ones that grew it was amazing to see them grow emotionally and philosophically. Some changed drastically and other more subtly, but all were noticeable.

    And the setting got bigger and more dynamic as it was woven into the plot with new characters who also grew. New things were popping up all the time to make you go wow. As well as things popping up from the past to make you go oh. With this new setting you never knew what to expect next. It was an amazing roller coaster of a right without a better way to put it.

    The plot is weaved together with multiple subplots so elegantly that you are just taken on an amazing journey through it all. Right at the climax I forgot about the spoilers and had hope that the ending was different and then bam it hit me in the face. But it still fit perfectly. And in the end I think Veronica Roth created a better Utopia than she started out trying to create.

    Veronica Roth is an amazing writer. And with her debut project she blew even me away. I'm looking forward to seeing more works from her. She has created a world that was build on sound logic and reasoning and thrown it into chaos and back into order repeatedly. This is a truly marvelous read and that is why I'm giving it five stars out of five stars. *Tips his and walks out the door to get more coffee.*

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