Sunday, May 17, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: I’ve Come Down Sick Among Other Thoughts

    I do apologize for there being no story yesterday. But unfortunately I have come down sick. Nothing serious just a cold, but it has triggered my body's first line of defense, which is making me sleep a lot. I'm hoping DayQuil help rid me of the cold or at least makes it so that I can be awake more. Even today I have slept a lot though I tried not to. It really is a pain in the ass.

    I'll try to be more on top of my game going into next week but no guarantees. That is why I won't be posting a schedule tomorrow of the upcoming columns for next week. And with me being sick school work is suffering, which bums me out. Even though I know the most important thing is getting healthy first. I'm going to try and get better by Monday or at least to the point where I'm not sleeping around the clock.

    But in other news it appears Marco Rubio can kiss his bid for The White House good bye. It was discovered earlier this week after an investigation into his finances that not is his lifestyle funded by a millionaire. But he has been stealing from his party by using his party credit card inappropriately. As well as using his home as a campaign headquarters and billing the campaign for it and hiring family members to work on the campaign which to be fair others have also done. But he billed a trip to Disney World on his party card. For those wondering what the party card means it is a Republican Party card for party business and campaign things. It is not for you to go wild with and buy anything you want.

    For now I've got to try and get some school work done. I hope you enjoyed your time here. I do apologize for being sick this week. Normally I'm better company. I'll hopefully be back tomorrow with a new column. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the library.*

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