Friday, May 22, 2015

Story Time Friday: A Pause Before The End Of Heart Break

    I'm on a late start today and still behind but working slowly on getting caught up. I'll be there by the week's end. Just going to take some time is all. I'm enjoying basking in the sun from my window as I write this. Been getting more natural light in my room lately and enjoying it. I will be revising my schedule again this week to put in some television time at the end of the night. If anyone knows where I can find a dining room table set cheap please let me know. I want something good and solid so that I can start eating meals at the table like a normal person does. Maybe even start hosting dinner parties once in a while.
    But that is not what we are here today for, today we are here for a story. Today's story is about heartbreak and an end to it. As well as being part of something bigger. Along with seeing the beauty in something bigger. It will break your heart and maybe even make you cry. I'm giving you fair warning in advance. So without further ado on with the show.

A Pause Before The End Of Heartbreak
    She stands there on the rise over the city just staring out over it, admiring the beauty of it sprawling out before her. An hour before she arrived here her now ex-boyfriend had just confessed to having cheated on her throughout their whole relationship. It had come as a shock to her and when she heard his confession her whole world had come crashing down all around her. Which had brought her to her one sanctuary she felt she had left. This rise over the city where she had come many times before when she was younger.
    Now thoughts swirled in her head, like how many other people around her knew her whole relationship with Doug had been a fraud. How many were laughing at her behind masks. And even if no one knew what would they think when she told them about it, if she told them about it in the end. She had left a note when she left in case she didn't return from this sojourn.
    She just felt so broken and betrayed inside and didn't know where to turn. What to say or do. But up here she felt a bit at peace as she looked out over the city watching it like it was a living thing. She could feel it pulsing beneath her feet even from this high above. Almost like it was breathing in a sense. She watched lights flicker to life and go out. And traffic lights changing in orderly fashion. All the noises you would expect from a city made their ways up to her ears.
    As she stood there thinking whether or not she could go back. Could she fix her life without Doug in it? She wasn't sure she could or even wanted to. She began to cry all over again. Tears coming harder and faster than before. He had been her knight in shining armor, her everything. What would she do without him?
    Then as she was about to turn and go. The anger overtook her. She thought why should he get to go on being happy with nothing to regret or feel responsible about? Why should he be guiltless? With that she jumped from the rise above the city. And as she fell she felt the hurt again, but then felt the city reaching up to comfort her and make it one with her. And then there was nothing.
    I hope you enjoyed story time as heartbreaking as it was today. Feel free to leave comments below. For now I'm off to do more schoolwork and get lunch. I hope you have a good Friday. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

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