Thursday, April 30, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Gorham High

    I'm sorry it is taking so long on the library post about the books that have impacted my reading life, it's just that it takes a lot of thinking to do and is deeply personal. But I will get it finished as soon as possible. Today has been a good day, and it has been a good week, and I'll be honest I'm not working at my desk today. My back is hurting from a walk I took earlier before writing this, but maybe later I will be working at my desk. I'm working on pushing myself more this week and getting results. Tomorrow's post may be a little late as well since I'm having lunch with my mother, which I'm looking forward to. I might also be going to the art museum as well, that isn't set in stone though.

    But today we are going back in time to my high school days when I was attending Gorham High. When I came back to Gorham from Portland I initial came back angry from all the years I had been picked on there without thinking that people do change. And it took me time to chill out for the most part. I wasn't comfortable back then with showing my vulnerable side to the public. And I made a lot of mistakes and messed up a lot. A lot of it I wish I could undo. And some of it I wish was changed by my family so I could date like I had in Portland then since it was better schooling for me. And they have expressed to me that they wished it had turned out differently as well.

    It was better for me because the teachers took an interest in my love of writing and helped me harness it. And since they did that with their subjects they made me want to work hard for them. Which I did in my basement bedroom, which I affectionately nicknamed "The Dungeon". I did every assignment that was asked of me, though I wasn't the best with projects still. Visual projects were the worst for me and always have been. But writing projects were a whiz for me. My lowest grades were Cs and I was getting As for the first time in a long time. Though I tended to average around Bs and Cs because of my issues that weren't being addressed at the time.

    I had a close knit circle of friends as well. We met every Wednesday before school for a few hours and had a good time. Though the school got in the way of this trying to do the right thing though they were hindering us in the process. But they meant well. My family wasn't good at helping me socialize still during those days. So I wasn't able to go over to friends' houses as easily.

    I ended up finding a calling working behind the scenes working behind the scenes with the drama club and loved it. Mr. Strout was a good director and very patient with me most of the time. He lost his cool now and then, but was still good with me. I worked hard for him and he rewarded me for it. And if I didn't understand the reward he explained it to me. I learned a lot from that experience.

    It all came crashing down when I was forced to work and go to school. I wanted socializing and going to school and couldn't balance all three and wasn't willing to give up the other two. So I rebelled hard. And one of my problems came to light and started getting treated. At least for a little while. But it caused me to go back to a less helpful school and where I was less structured. I do wish things had worked out better, but I eventually got to where I am now. Fate has a way of making things happen for a reason I think. I'm not sure why it did for me, but I'm sure I will find out why sooner or later. And now I am being called back to Gorham in a sense now.

    I hope you've enjoyed this look at how I viewed Gorham High and my time there. As well as my hindsight on it. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. Expect a slightly spooky story tomorrow. Something I'm doing for a submission as well as the blog. I hope everyone as a good Thursday. Now I'm off to the library to do some reading before starting on an essay I have due at the end of the week. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the library.*

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