Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Best Subway Sandwich Of All

    Morning and I do apologize for there being no review yesterday, but I will have it up next Monday. Just was a long day yesterday since I was up at 3 AM, and I couldn't really function on as much sleep as I had gotten. Plus I was in a reading mood yesterday for some reason. I managed to finish a couple of more books yesterday though. So for the next three weeks we will be having book reviews on Mondays. But for today we are talking about Subway Sandwiches and what makes the best one. At least for me. This will probably make everyone hungry and lead to tons of comments about what people think is the best sandwich, which I welcome. So without further ado on with the show.

Best Subway Sandwich Of All Time
    Now as most can tell I have modified this prompt to go for the best Subway Sandwich of all time instead of just the greatest sandwich of all time. That is because for me I prefer Subway for my sandwiches above all other places a lot of the time, so I figured I would focus there this time. I'll go with other places in the future when I come back around to this prompt though, since I am big on sandwiches. I mean when you walk into Subway you know you are going to get one hell of a sandwich. But there are so many choices to choose from, and I often look to the menu to see what is new or what is on special to try something new. But I have my own preferences on what I like best when I go there. Just like anyone does.
    First I start with wheat bread for some good health. Then we are going for chicken breast again for the health factor and it just tastes good. But then I'm going to add a double order of bacon for added flavor even if some would say it is bad for me. Now onto cheese I tend to stick with American cheese since that is what I grew up with. Then I have it toasted to melt the cheese since that makes it so much better. Add Ranch Sauce to mix well with the veggies and chicken.
    Then add lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles to start off. Followed with onions and green peppers. Followed by cucumbers to mellow it a bit before adding banana peppers for the final kick to it. It gives it a good balance between veggies and meat I think. The one variation I might make for more of a kick is instead of American cheese I might use Pepper Jack. Last but not least add salt and pepper to taste. Then serve with chips and soda.
    It makes for a very big sandwich that is very filling as well as very tasty. All the flavors of this sandwich mix nicely for me along with the kick of the added spices from the veggies as well as sometimes the cheese. The Ranch Sauce keeps the kick from being too intense as well. It makes for an intense sandwich that is not too intense or too mellow either. But everyone has their own tastes and the most important thing is that you make the sandwich that dances on your taste buds.
    I hope you enjoyed that essay on my favorite Subway Sandwich. I look forward to seeing your comments on your favorite Subway Sandwiches as I said above. For now I need to find something to eat after making myself hungry and I can't wait for Friday when I will get a Subway Sandwich even more now. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*