Friday, April 17, 2015

Story Time Friday: The Vacancy

    So I'm starting in the morning for the first time in a long time. It's a miracle some might say lol. More like I had an appointment and it got cancelled but I couldn't go back to bed. For some weird reason I was wide awake after just five hours of sleep. I know weird for me, and I'll probably end up taking a nap later because of it. But for right now I'm feeling pretty good even as I'm waiting on coffee. And on tap today we have a tale about a vacancy in a weird location of sorts. So without further ado on with the show.

The Vacancy
    Bruno had been walking through the hills for what seemed like forever when he saw what appeared to be a giant treehouse with a vacancy sign over it on the other side of a long wooden bridge. He thought he had to be hallucinating from walking so long, but he figured what did he have to lose he needed rest badly. And this seemed as good a chance as he was going to find with rain starting to fall as any.
    So Bruno started across the wooden bridge hesitantly at first and then more boldly once he was sure it was real. Finally he came to start before the ladder to the tree house. He figured since the bridge was real this must be as well, so he started climbing without hesitation. It was a fairly tall and sturdy tree as was needed for such a big tree house, so the climb was a long one for Bruno.
    At the top Bruno took a few minutes to catch his breath before knocking on the front door of the treehouse, which creaked open in response. This unnerved Bruno a bit, but he was not about to be scared off by a door obviously in need of repair. So he walked in being cautious just in case.
    "Hello?" he called out as he walked further into the treehouse.
    He got no response other than a breeze blowing through the open door behind him. He closed the door after jumping a bit before realizing where the breeze had come from. Then admonished himself for being so jumpy. Though he was so busy admonishing himself that he never heard the front door lock click, locking him inside.
    Bruno searched the downstairs for signs of anyone but found nothing not even any signs of supplies at all. He even kept stepping in piles of white goo that he wasn't sure what was other than something not too pleasant. So without thinking Bruno started searching higher and higher into the treehouse. All he kept finding were giant bats it seemed to him hanging in the ceiling. He figured they must be some sort of fruit bat or something so he paid them no mind. After searching endlessly and finding no one it was getting dark so Bruno dragged a mattress to the entrance way and decided to sleep there in cases someone showed up.
    It was then he heard the loud screech that told him those bats were not fruit bats but vampire bats. He knew then that he was in trouble. He ran for the front door and tried it only to find it locked shut tight. He tried the windows only to discover that they had bars on them that blended in with the treehouse. It was then that he realized the vacancy sign was bait to lure in victims to this kill box trap for the bats. If they were in fact bats. The last thing Bruno saw before everything went black was a huge swarm as if it was one living breathing thing coming towards him from up above. He let out a shriek and then everything went black and that was the last that was ever heard of Bruno.
The End
    Hopefully you enjoyed my little tale tonight. Please leave comments below letting me know what you thought. In the meantime I'm headed off to dinner as usual and maybe a little rum tonight. *Tips his hat and walks out the door wondering where the rum is.*

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