Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Monday Review: Closure (Audio Book)

    I'm late I know but been cleaning and needed to rest before posting. I know a bit of a shock hearing about me cleaning lol. I've got most of the week planned out including a late Easter post for Thursday. I also have an essay planned for Tuesday to a degree, still not sure on the prompt yet. Wednesday's post will be on Piers Anthony. Friday we will be back on track with a story. But today we are reviewing my friend and fellow author, Sylvia Stein's, audio book Closure.

    To start off with a word from Sylvia Stein:  I am happy to announce that my novella Closure is available through audio on ACX.   Now you can bring Sara's story to life with the amazing talents of Clay Lomayaku.   You can find the closure audio available through Audible from ACX and it is also available through iTunes and Amazon.   I will be giving out three free copies of the audio book .  All you have to do it leave a comment on the different blogs that will be hosting me this week through next week.  

Author Bio:

Author Sylvia Stein began her path to writing when she joined the Writer's Group on Linked in 750 in 2012 and she also started to connect with other authors through the World Literary Café.
Her First Debut Novel came in July 31, 2014 entitled, Closure and Chasing Clarity her first YA will be out this Spring 2015. . To quote author Stein, " This is the first of many to come."


    Now with all that being said I will add that this is a fantastic story that will make you laugh and cry at various points throughout the listening. The orator brings the story even more to live than when I first read it. He brings the characters more fully to live for the listener. It's like listening to one of those old radio shows on the radio, which are mesmerizing. I give this audio book five stars out of five stars.
Here is an excerpt:
In the dark corner of a room, Sara James waited until the monster fell asleep.
Who was the monster?
Garrison James, her father.
It amazed her how much had changed in the few short months since her mother, Lila left. It felt as if it happened over night.
At first, he seemed absent. Then the yelling, drinking, and angry glares erupted whenever she entered the same room as him. Soon, he began calling her names. When she thought things could not get worse, the real abuse began.
He's not my dad!
He's a monster!

Heavy footsteps tromped towards the room. She gulped in jagged breaths and looked to the ceiling while blinking rapidly. A feeble attempt to control her tears.
When hiding from the monster found her, she would replay what she did wrong and how he caught her the time before.
Don't cry, she reminded herself, that's how he finds you.

She looked around the once lively home for a sweet reminder of better times. There was a time when the house was surrounded by a beautiful garden. Her and her mother would walk hand in hand and choose which flowers to bring inside. Now, the windows were closed, and the vase that usually held flowers sat empty. No matter where she looked, there was no sign of happiness or life.
The house had become a vessel of sorrow and pain.
Mommy, think of her.

She closed her eyes and forced images of her favorite memories. A brief smile appeared as thoughts reverted her to one of the many times when her mother taught her how to bake cookies.
"Oh, Momma, I miss you," she whispered.
The memory of her mother distracted Sara from the harsh reality. However, nearly as quick as the memories arrived, they dissipated, and before she knew it, the monster began lashing out.
"Sara! Sara! Where are you?" he screamed.
Realizing she had made noise. Sara covered her mouth and began internally praying.



    Hopefully you enjoy that excerpt and it leaves you wanting more I know it has me wanting another listen to the audio book myself. *Tips hat and walks out the door to listen to the audio book again.*