Sunday, April 26, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: I Know What I Want And I’m Going For It

    I'm sorry there was no story yesterday but I will make it worth the wait next week. It's been a long week and I've come away with some thoughts that I will share with you today. Expect a little ranting today a bit, since I'm in a feisty mood. I'm all energized and ready to go for the day after a good 12 hour sleep last night. Though hoping in the coming weeks I can slide by with ten hours at most. I'm planning to start taking melatonin again since it does help me go to sleep.

    But as for what I want and am going after there are several things. One of them is going back to working at my desk, but easing into it more than I did before. Such as every other day for a few hours a day. Then building from there. The desk needs cleaning up anyways. I plan to start that on Sunday, and there may or may not be a blog then not sure yet.

    Plus I want to keep up with the reading I've been doing lately, though I don't think that will take much to do. I just have to make sure I make time for it every night as well as a bit during the day sometime for some of it. I'm getting close to finishing a couple of books soon. So there so be a couple of Monday Reviews coming up in the near future. This blog entry is coming out late today in part because I got caught up in some reading I was doing.

    I also want to get out to the movies more and am going to be looking into getting free tickets through a program I'm part of for the local theater. I've been putting it off for a while, and I think it is about time I got around to investigating it. I'm hoping it is possible so I can get out to the movies more. And hopefully I can find people to go with me since I really don't enjoy going to the movies alone as much as with other people. It is just more fun when you can lean over and whisper about an awesome part in the movie. And as soon as I feel confident and can see enough movies I will start reviewing movies on here. I have a couple of movies I'm going to practice later in the week on. One of them at the very least is an Oscar Nominee.

    I've started exercising in the past couple of weeks and I've found I enjoy it. I just have to develop a more concrete schedule for myself. Though I prefer doing it with my friends online I have to have a backup plan for when that is not possible. I've been doing Tae Bo. It works for me though that doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you since everyone is unique is what works for them. I already eat fairly healthy it is my lack of exercise that is the issue with my weight. So I'm working to change that slowly but surely.

    And despite what some people might say I have been getting better at keeping my apartment clean on a regular basis. And working on a schedule for when monthly tasks get done with the cleaning. But I refuse to spend the majority of my day cleaning. If people don't like it tough shit. I know what I need to do and I'm going to get to the place I need to be by doing it my way and not someone else's way. I got to this point by doing it my way, which is a big step from how I used to be. And I will get even further doing the same thing.

    I'm starting to socialize a bit more, granted it is at my house. But I'm slowly socializing more and being more interactive with the world. But with how my energy fluctuates sometimes I just want to curl up into a ball and block it out a bit. I'm still working on dealing with this, and it is taking time to deal with. But I will get there. Seems this week I'm going to be high energy. Which I like and want more of and am working towards.

    But the bottom line is I'm me and I change slowly. It doesn't just happen overnight despite what some would think should be able to happen with me. I'm not wired necessarily like they are. I make changes at my pace not necessarily the same as someone else's. And I'm thankful for the friends and family that I have who understand this and work with me. And stick by me as I'm working on my issues. Granted I'm stubborn and I can be frustrating. But that is part of the whole lovable package that is me. And damn it I'm worth it. And now I will return to my book since I haven't reached my goal yet. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed back to the library.*

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