Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Soundtrack Of My Life

    So for the first time in a long time I'm on time sort of. Or at least starting the blog on time. Despite insomnia last night where I was reading for a good few hours and listening to music for a while after that. I was even dancing in my bed at one point. At some point I need to make some coffee while writing this as well. But today we are talking about music and my life. The prompt asks for the theme song of my life, but I'm amending it to be the soundtrack of my life since I feel like it is too much to ask one song to sum up a life. So without further ado on with the show.

The Soundtrack Of My Life
    When you look back over life there are a multitude of songs that can fit into your life at any given time. Mine is no exception to that rule either. There have been ups and downs in my life and each of them can be captured in a song. From when I tried to drink myself to death, which could best be summed up in my opinion by Gun' N' Roses song Knocking On Heaven's Door. To my mid-teens which are best summed up by two songs. During the happy time it would be Bon Jovi's Living On A Prayer and when heartbreak hit it would be Poison's Every Rose Has It's Thorns.

    In my twenties it was ACDC's Back In Black and Hell's Bells as well as Highway To Hell. I was just out of control for the most part. And towards the middle to the end of my twenties it settled down to Guns 'N' Roses' Sweet Child 'O Mine. As well as their song November Rain. As love and responsibility leveled onto my shoulders and I felt it. At the end of my twenties which were filled with heartbreak and lost it would be the song Unbreak My Heart by Toni Braxton.
    Coming into my thirties I would be filled with renewed hope and energy as well as might have partied a little to shake away the sadness. Which changed the tune to One Wild Night by Bon Jovi. Then it went to It's My Life by Bon Jovi. As for what the next song will be in my life's soundtrack that is still being decided as we speak. But whatever it is will probably be a rock song though there is a rap song that is edging its way into the mix as we speak. What songs make up the soundtrack to your life?
    Hopefully you are rocking you to your own soundtrack to life as we speak. Me I'm getting ready to eat dinner. So I better head for the kitchen soon. *Tips hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

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