Sunday, April 19, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Just Random Thoughts This Week

    So we've come to the end of the week once more. Not sure what to be thinking at the end of this week really nothing has really set me off. So there should be no ranting with this blog entry. No guarantees though. It's been a pretty good week though. With some changes and new practices happening that might shock some people.

    For instances I actually worked out a couple times this week. Shocker I know, and a bigger shocker is I'm planning to work out more next week. I'm using Tae Bo through YouTube. Haven't been able to get through a whole workout yet but working on it slowly but surely. I feel better after the workouts but also a little down, because it shows me how out of shape I've gotten. But I know I will get back there eventually. It's just going to take some time to get there. Since it took me time to get to where I am now.

    I've been working more at the desk lately and even as I take a break from it today I kind of miss it. I think I will start back tomorrow and that I might be rearranging my work space to better facilitate it. Still mulling it over as I write this though, but it is definitely in my thought process. I still want to be mobile though so that has to be a factor into it as well. But I think I can make it work.

    I think as I adjust to my new studying and working environment my writing will pick up since it has been ailing recently. Not sure why it just has been. Hopefully I will get some writing in tonight. Been mainly on a reading kick lately, not sure why that is though. Not a bad thing just how I've been feeling, and it does help me towards my goal of 52 books in a year.

    On top of all that might be rearranging the office completely in the near future still waiting for some options to be drawn out by a friend of mine so I can see if it is possible. Either way I have to get on top of reordering my bookshelves this week since I have new books needing placing on the shelves. Have to do that before I rearrange my work area. But before that have to file some papers.

    Sorry thinking out loud a bit, and at the same time rambling. I think I might take stock on life tomorrow in the blog if I can get started early enough. So stay tuned for that. Leave comments below on what you think of some of the changes going on and being considered. For now I need to plan out dinner. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

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