Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: John Scalzi

So I'm in between early and late today not sure if that makes me on time or not but it makes me something. Insomnia has been kicking my butt this week, but I've been working with it sort of. Still haven't gotten any writing outside of school work and the blog done yet this week, but hopefully that might change today since I almost have one school assignment done for the week. And early at that, now that is a shocker for some people. And this might be a short blog since I'm exercising in an hour or so. So I have to rush a bit.
    Today in the library we are talking about author John Scalzi. He is famous for his Old Man's War Series. Which is how I discovered him myself and he has written several other books including The Red Shirt Diaries. I haven't read that one yet but keep meaning to get around to it. I'm right now hooked on his Old Man's War Series as it keeps progressing and getting more and more intense.
    It's like a galactic soap opera in some ways to me, but on a much larger scale. There is always some new threat to humanity or the universe. And it keeps you gripped at the edge of your seats as it unfolds. You empathize with some of the characters and others you just want to smack upside the head. Some even appear comical in some senses. But it is a great read.
    And his interviews are great too. He is friendly and at the same time a smart ass and tells it like it is. He never ducks a question or tries to avoid it at all. He tackles them all head on. He was a blog writer before he even started writing novels. He even has a novel of all his blogs as well I believe.
    As always I welcome you to check out John Scalzi especially his Old Man's War Series. I'm sure you will enjoy it especially if you like Science Fiction. For now I have to get ready for Zumba so enjoy the library feel free to browse around at your leisure. And leave comments below if you want. *Tips his hat and walks out the door to get ready for Zumba.*

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