Sunday, April 12, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Changes Are Happening Though Slowly

    So yes I know it has been a couple days since I posted and I apologize for that. Working on a new sleep schedule and it has thrown my posting schedule off. Along with actually shutting down the computer at night. I've also been doing more household chores as well. I'll wait while some pick their jaws up off the floor.

    So where has this new found motivation come from? Well from a woman what else. She has only been here a week and already she has turned the place upside down. Like I said above she has me doing more household chores than before. Going out when I normally wouldn't go out. She has me changing my sleeping pattern slowly but surely.

    She even has me considering changing the layout of the bedroom/office. Which is a big deal considering how long it has taken me to get it this way. But I'm actually open to the idea. We'll have to wait and see what comes of it. But the room may change around in the end, we'll see.

    My work/school habit have to improve with all of these changes taking place though. But it will get there, so far I'm keeping up with class. I'll find a way I'm sure. It might mean cutting back on some extra projects, but hoping not. But if it does then I will have to pick and choose and figure out which ones have to go on the back burner for a little bit.

    So far the amount of reading I've been doing has increased though not with school reading, but I have plans to change that and mix it in with my reading for relaxation. And I'm planning to cut back on the amount of books as I finish up the ones I'm reading now. Even as I'll start some new ones and mix in some magazines with them.

    Plus I plan to add in some audio books for when I'm doing household chores. Easy way to get in some extra reading for me. Unfortunately not so easy to get in some extra writing yet. I'm working on figuring out a way to get the extra writing in, but so far no luck. But I'll keep trying. In the meantime dinner is about done so I'd better get going. *Tips hat and walks out the door headed for dinner in the kitchen.*

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