Saturday, April 4, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: It's Been A Long Week

    I do apologize for there being no entry yesterday, just been trying to recover the best I can from my fall earlier in the week. Starting to heal a bit, but it is slow going. The week was running along nice and smoothly until it happened too, but then I guess Murphy's Law had to come into play.
    I did manage to get some reading done since I've been laid up in bed though not enough to finish off any books quite yet. But there are some that are getting close to it. But there will be an audio book feature on Monday, you'll have to stay tuned to find out more. And hopefully by the end of next week I will have finished another book.
    Working on getting back on track with my writing as well. I did like no writing so far this week aside from what I've done on the blog. But hopefully will get some in before the weekend is out. I've also got plans for my short story I'm working on in class on two fronts. One is to possibly turn it into something bigger, though not so sure about that. Two is to sell it to a magazine and make some money off of it, which is a bigger possibility I think.
    I think I'm done ranting for a while, but you never know. It really depends on the news and how much stupid stuff happens in it. I'll try to keep it confined to my personal Facebook page. But if it gets to be too much rest assured there will be another rant. I try to keep them spaced out so that they have impact as well. Too many too close together and they just sound like rambling.
    School has been enjoyable this term though I keep getting behind on the reading. I think it is because the text is not engaging like some writing texts have been in the past. It's like a droning narrator in the book, not someone speaking energetically about it. It drags the whole book down. But the writing assignments have been engaging. And I like the group of reviewers I'm in. They keep giving me good advice and I try to give them good advice as well.
    But next week is a new week is also a new week and I will also start again and try to do better than I did this week. Injured or not. I fall down but I always get back up. I refuse to stay down. So next week you will see me back to my old habits hopefully. I will lay out my plans for next week tomorrow in more detail. For now I've got to get going on the rest of my school work for the week, but first I think I'll have a bit of dessert that I passed up on earlier. *Tips had and walks out the door in search of dessert.*

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