Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Carnegie Hall

    Another late night posting I know, but my sleep schedule is messed up though I'm working on fixing it. And forcing my muscles to work as they recover causing me some more pain but it is necessary for them to heal right in my opinion. So until I get my sleeping pattern back to normal expect that some posts will be late night for a while. Tonight we are going to Carnegie Hall where I get to show what I would do if putting on a show there. So without further ado on with the show.

Live From Carnegie Hall
    Welcome one and all to my one night show in Carnegie Hall. Tonight we will start off with comedy from my friend, George Hamm. Who is a wonderful comedian and does great wrestling impressions as well. He will make you laugh till you feel like you can't laugh anymore. Then we will move on to more comedy from Maine's own Bob Marley. Who will have you laughing even more than George did though this time about Maine things and things about the northeast.
    Once Bob finishes up we'll relax a bit with a local rock band and let everyone regain their breathe. They'll play a few songs and rock out the hall. Then to crank up the atmosphere even more we'll bring on Linkin Park for some nostalgia. Let them rock out for several of their hit songs.
    Next up will be Pen and Teller. They will astound you with their magic. Leaving you wondering how they did it and wanting more. Then you will get more comedy from Jeff Dunham and his friends. They will have you in the aisles laughing bent over double.
    Then we will explode the show with Jay-Z and Beyonce both performing for you and together. They will have you dancing in the aisles and singing along with them. And then to close out the night we will have Jay-Z do his hit song with Linkin Park. As well as his new hit with Alicia Keys. Then we will wish you all good night and hope you have enjoyed the show.
    I hope you enjoyed my write up of my one night at Carnegie Hall as short as it was. And now I'm dying of thirst so I'm off to get something to drink. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of something to drink.*




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