Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Reflections: Preparing For The Road Ahead Of Me

    Morning from my desk, where I sit here writing this blog entry. And preparing for the week of changes ahead of me. So far I'm off to a good start I think. I'm up already at the crack of dawn and already on my first cup of coffee. Though I might need a nap later but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I'm looking forward today for the most part. I've come some reading planned to go with my writing plans for today. As well as some gaming eventually, most likely tonight sometime. Plus I'll be introducing my closest friends to someone very special to me.
    Then tomorrow I'll be working from my bed for most of the day and trying to get a jump start on the school week. Plus I will be working on getting a Tae Bo workout in hopefully. I'm really serious about getting my butt into shape this year. And I'm trying to quit smoking by the end of the year but that is a secondary goal at this point since I've been having more success with exercising. All be it, it is an uphill climb right now but I'm determined to get there.
    I'm also changing up my eating habits starting at the beginning of next month to help get my butt into shape. I'm cutting back on the soda. Though I refuse to give up my coffee. I'm cutting back on the pastries and sweets including ice cream. I'm switching to muffins to go with my coffee. Thinking mainly corn muffins or blueberry muffins at this point. I welcome any other tasty ideas that are low in sugar. My main goal with the diet changes at this point is to get the sugar down as low as I can. I'm still going to eat out up to four times a month, that is once a week. Which I believe is not too much, and if I go over it will be on like Subway or something like that. I'm still working on it. It's time to buckle down and head towards a new beginning with my health as I have been saying. I'm also going to try something really brand new for me with trying to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Shocking to some I know. For the longest time I've only eaten lunch and dinner or even in some cases just dinner and snacked before it.
    Now heading back to this week we are headed into Tuesday with an essay most likely. With all this food talk today I'm thinking I will either argue for the last french fry, or talk about the best sandwich ever. I'm not really sure which it will be at this point. But since I'm thinking about Subway at the moment it will probably be the sandwich one. I could go for a Subway Sandwich for lunch today. But it will have to wait till next month.
    Wednesday we go into the library and talk about books that have impacted me so far in my reading lifetime. Some will surprise a few people I think, and some will not. There are a lot of them to talk about and I'm going to include magazines in this blog entry as well, since there have been some magazines that contributed to me being such a big reader.
    Thursday we will be taking a trip in time to my days as limited as they were at Gorham High. I've covered it in bits and pieces in other entries about my past. But I want to tackle it head on this week. Since it was such an enjoyable time in my life in some ways. And I will look at both sides of it when I talk about it as well.
    Then on Friday I will be breaking hearts with "The Man In The Rain". At least that is my plan with this story prompt and what it has been calling out for me to do as I keep looking at it. Either that or it will go the horror route but I don't think it will. It is still forming in my head, but I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
    Saturday and Sunday as always are up in the air, depending on what happens throughout the week. Be prepared for anything to possibly be in those entries. Though lately it has been self-reflective and talking about changes. Hopefully you are looking forward to the week ahead as much as I am. Feel free to leave comments below about the upcoming week and what you are or aren't looking forward to as well as any suggestions. For now I'm going to go dive back into a book for a little bit as I finish my coffee and then work on finishing my school work for the week. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the recliner in the library.*

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