Friday, April 24, 2015

Throwback Thursday: How Routine Has Played A Part In My Life

    Sorry this is late was over tired and sorry there was a post on Wednesday. We'll cover the topic I was going to cover yesterday next week. My sleeping pattern issues got in the way and I think they have straightened out for the most part. But it is all part of me struggling to find a routine that works for me in my adult life.

    As kids and young adults we don't have to struggle with that normally because it is all laid out for us by others. But as we come into adulthood we have to find our own way and that is where I am struggling in some ways. Though I'm working on it all be it slowly. But I will get there eventually.

    Though from my earliest memory at my grandparents' house there was always some sort of routine for me. Even if it was a loose one at first. I'd always get up and wake my grandmother up and then we'd have breakfast. She would read to me at breakfast as I got older. Then it was either off to play and watch television or off to school. If I wasn't in school which wasn't often for most of the time I was at my grandparents' house I would be watching television, playing outside, or helping my grandmother bake in the kitchen (as much as I could being so young).

    When I was in school it was pretty standard you moved from subject to subject. Though some bored me so I would get off task at times. I had special education at times and would get pulled from class on certain days for it. I enjoyed when we went to the library most often and even art class. Gym wasn't too bad in those days either. I think the worst was geography since I hated memorizing stuff. Though I did enjoy looking at maps. I hated recess though and stayed inside whenever I could, so that I wouldn't get picked on. But as I got use the routine it helped me function in school as far as academics went. Though as I got higher in grades I did poorer because I didn't like doing homework much.

    Plus there wasn't a real structure set up anywhere I was for homework at all. It was just go do your homework and there was no oversight to the process at all. As I got older I had times where I was better and where I was worse with homework. But overall I stayed bad at homework. It helped when I had teachers driving my interests as well as what they wanted, which made me want to work hard for them.

    Things were always more structured for me overall in Gorham though. I got to run wilder as a teen in Portland. Hanging out with my friends whenever I wanted and doing pretty much anything I wanted. The most structure I had was when I was working as a young adult when I tried. Though I got very frustrated with it at times since I barely ever got to see my friends at times.

    I know I need structure in my life, but the key is finding a balance to structure that works, and structure that is flexible. So far I've been unsuccessful at accomplishing this, but I will keep trying. I know I will figure it out eventually though. Just takes time unfortunately. I hope you have enjoyed this walk down memory lane this week. Leave comments below on how structure has worked for you or tips for me dealing with structure. For now I need to start getting my butt in gear. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

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