Friday, April 17, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Easter Growing Up

    I keep trying to get up in the morning and do these, but that is not happening lately. Though I'm getting them out fairly early in the evening still or at least starting on them at that time. It will get out earlier eventually it just takes time. So bear with me folks as I try to fix this mess of a sleeping pattern I have. As for today, it's Thursday which means a walk down memory lane with me. Today it will be about Easter over the years. I meant to get this out closer to Easter itself but it got messed up a bit. But then again no holiday is ever perfect now is it.

    As a kid growing up I had already learned my lesson about waiting for everyone to be up before opening anything at my grandparents' house from Christmas the previous year as early as I can remember. It was always a duck or chicken basket not sure which, but it was filled with chocolate treats and toys. Then it would be time to go hunting throughout the house for plastic colored eggs filled with candy since I didn't like hard boiled eggs. I was usually pretty good at finding the eggs though now and then I needed a little prodding in the right direction. Afterwards I was allowed to pig out a bit on my candy, which was a rare thing around my grandparents' house. Plus I would play around with the toys I had gotten in my Easter Basket and the basket itself.

    While I was playing my grandmother would be in the kitchen working on Easter Dinner, which was always more than we could all eat. She always has cooked for an army. We always had turkey around the holidays though I think we had ham once or twice. And making a big meal on a Sunday was nothing new for my grandmother since she did it every Sunday for around lunchtime, though on Easter there were sometimes more people than normal.

    It was a bit different when I was at my mother's house for Easter. I could open everything when I got up without waiting for everyone to wake up without getting yelled at. Though there weren't any eggs to find normally just an Easter Basket of goodies. Which always included a chocolate bunny.

    Plus with every holiday wherever I was I usually got a book. And even when I got back to my grandparents' house from my mom's house I still got an Easter Basket and vice versa. Dinner at mom's house for Easter though usually consisted of what is more thought of as the tradition ham dinner for Easter.

    With either place I was at I never did go to church for Easter though I did see parades and church services on the television. Though I've been to church on other Sundays as a little kid. So the television was never quite the same, but I knew what all the celebration in the ministries was about.

    But tell me about your Easter Celebrations in the comments below. I'd like to see how similar or different they are from my experiences. For now I'm late to dinner and hopefully it's not getting cold. Plus I have to round up the rest of my dinner guests who I've kept waiting. *Tips his hat and walks out the door to go tend to his dinner guests.*

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