Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Reflections: Taking Stock On Life

    So it's Sunday and I figured this would be a good day to take stock on my life since I'm making big changes to my life. As well as possibly my office soon. And yes I know I'm still young at only 33, but it's good to take stock on life from time to time. Especially since I'm getting ready to get back in the game more than I have been in a while. Though I have done some things in the past year or so to be part of life.

    The only question is where to start in my act of taking stock. I suppose with the fact that I got my GED to graduate high school early since they were giving me the short end of the stick making it so I just didn't want to be there. Unlike the school I had been at before where I wanted to be there more than at home. Of course I also wasn't in the best place mentally either. Then I got hit with epilepsy.

    So I was stuck in a limbo on disability for years. Then I got married (Still have to get the divorce papers done.) and had a son. Unfortunately his mom messed up and the state took him using my disability against me. Though not without a fight. And fight like hell I did. I still miss him to this day, but I only have 9 more years to wait till I get to see him again and I count down to that day in the back of my mind.

    I've finally gotten well enough to go back to school, and I'm in the process of pursuing a BA in Creative Writing. And that is going pretty well since I'm still on the path to graduating with honors. And all along my journey in life I've made a lot of friends that support me. I've even been published in an anthology making me a published author. Plus me and my dad have started working on repairing our relationship. And me and my mom are working on getting along better as she is entering a new phase of her life. And I'm trying to get a relationship started though that might not happen.

    So you'd think I would be happy and content for now, right? Truth be told, I want more. I want a relationship. I want a book with just my name on it. I want to be successful in everything I'm aiming to have happen. I want fame and money and power. I want it all. And I'm still aiming to get it. It just takes time and I'm patient. As well as driven.

    And for now I'm happy with what I have. But I have my eye on the future as well. I'll keep going till the day they put me in the ground as a tree. Yes I plan to be buried as a tree with a headstone in front of it. Have to give back to Mother Earth what she gives to you after all. And seeing the major plot points of my life laid out like this makes me feel like I'm missing something like there should be more. Maybe it is just me being over ambitious.

    But before I wrap this up let me tell you what we have on tap for next week. Monday will be more of me rambling unless I happen to finish a book tonight. Tuesday we have an essay, which as usual I have not settled on the prompt yet. Wednesday we are taking a break from authors and talking about books that impacted me along my reading voyage. Thursday will be memories of routine this week. I'm still working on the prompt but Friday will have a story as usual. And Saturday will be thoughts from the week so it could be anything.

    Hopefully you enjoyed examining my life in the macro with me. Feel free to leave comments if you think of anything I missed or just things you want me to think about in general. My library is calling to be reorganized so I better get going to do that. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the library.*