Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tuesday Insights: The Note In The Bottle

    So insomnia has been kicking my ass again and unfortunately I didn't get around to a super early post like yesterday. But hopefully tomorrow I will be back on track. Plus I want to get some of the stuff done tonight that I didn't get done yesterday. But I'm in the process of transitioning to my desk full time and being more in the zone there than in my bed like I have been in the past. Tonight I'm doing the last of the bookshelf work for a week or so and then I'm working on revamping my schedule.
    But today we will be looking at me stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue and being able to send one note out in a bottle. It should be an interesting prompt in my opinion. So without further ado on with the show.

The Note In The Bottle
    If you are reading this it means my bottle has either been caught in your nets or washed up on your shores. I hope it finds you in good health. My name is Christopher Bartlett and by the time you read this I will have probably long been dead.
I was aboard the USS Fleetwood enjoying a lovely vacation after a long term in college when a storm came up out of nowhere. I struggled to make it back to my cabin, but was unfortunately swept overboard. The tides carried me to this uncharted (near as I can tell) deserted island. I've been living off the island's resources as best as I can. Though I'm starting to run low on water and the shoreline is slowly shrinking. I don't know which I will run out of first land or drinking water.
Before being washed overboard to this island I had been in the process of pursuing my BA in Creative Writing. I had just recently become a published author as well. And was looking forward to publishing more writing in the future. But I was also always there for my friends as much as I could be. I hope they will remember all the good times we had together more than how my life ended.
As well as the fact that though I was passionate in my politics I did try to be open minded. Though admittedly I could be thick headed at times. As well as stubborn as anything you could possibly imagine. But above all my biggest strength and biggest weakness was my heart which was too big in many cases. It often got me into trouble when I tried to help people out. Though I never stopped trying to help people.
I see I'm beginning to run out of room so in parting I will leave you with some advice. Follow your passions as best as you can. Always do the right thing even when it is not the easy thing to do, karma will reward you for it. Trust me I was angry as a young man and I think this might be why I got sentenced to this island in the end. Whatever path and career you choose to follow read and study as much as you can, you can never have too much knowledge when it comes to spiritual matters or your own passions if you are following my first piece of advice. And invest in higher education it will get you ahead in life.
With my last few sentences I will say I have enjoyed my life overall. I wish it was longer so I could make more memories. And if I do indeed die on this island as I think I will I hope my last view is of the sunset. Remember to treat the Earth well it is a living thing like we are. And treat your friends like family because they will be like that in times of need. I hope you live long and make many memories.
Christopher Bartlett
I hope you enjoyed my note in a bottle. And that is not really how I sign letters but not putting my middle name all over the internet till I start signing real things. Feel free to leave comments on things I might have missed putting in the note or with your own version of the note. For now there are a couple of books calling my name. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed towards the library.*

1 comment:

  1. oh what a story. I hope you are here for a long time buddy and I would miss you dearly! Love you!
