Thursday, April 30, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Gorham High

    I'm sorry it is taking so long on the library post about the books that have impacted my reading life, it's just that it takes a lot of thinking to do and is deeply personal. But I will get it finished as soon as possible. Today has been a good day, and it has been a good week, and I'll be honest I'm not working at my desk today. My back is hurting from a walk I took earlier before writing this, but maybe later I will be working at my desk. I'm working on pushing myself more this week and getting results. Tomorrow's post may be a little late as well since I'm having lunch with my mother, which I'm looking forward to. I might also be going to the art museum as well, that isn't set in stone though.

    But today we are going back in time to my high school days when I was attending Gorham High. When I came back to Gorham from Portland I initial came back angry from all the years I had been picked on there without thinking that people do change. And it took me time to chill out for the most part. I wasn't comfortable back then with showing my vulnerable side to the public. And I made a lot of mistakes and messed up a lot. A lot of it I wish I could undo. And some of it I wish was changed by my family so I could date like I had in Portland then since it was better schooling for me. And they have expressed to me that they wished it had turned out differently as well.

    It was better for me because the teachers took an interest in my love of writing and helped me harness it. And since they did that with their subjects they made me want to work hard for them. Which I did in my basement bedroom, which I affectionately nicknamed "The Dungeon". I did every assignment that was asked of me, though I wasn't the best with projects still. Visual projects were the worst for me and always have been. But writing projects were a whiz for me. My lowest grades were Cs and I was getting As for the first time in a long time. Though I tended to average around Bs and Cs because of my issues that weren't being addressed at the time.

    I had a close knit circle of friends as well. We met every Wednesday before school for a few hours and had a good time. Though the school got in the way of this trying to do the right thing though they were hindering us in the process. But they meant well. My family wasn't good at helping me socialize still during those days. So I wasn't able to go over to friends' houses as easily.

    I ended up finding a calling working behind the scenes working behind the scenes with the drama club and loved it. Mr. Strout was a good director and very patient with me most of the time. He lost his cool now and then, but was still good with me. I worked hard for him and he rewarded me for it. And if I didn't understand the reward he explained it to me. I learned a lot from that experience.

    It all came crashing down when I was forced to work and go to school. I wanted socializing and going to school and couldn't balance all three and wasn't willing to give up the other two. So I rebelled hard. And one of my problems came to light and started getting treated. At least for a little while. But it caused me to go back to a less helpful school and where I was less structured. I do wish things had worked out better, but I eventually got to where I am now. Fate has a way of making things happen for a reason I think. I'm not sure why it did for me, but I'm sure I will find out why sooner or later. And now I am being called back to Gorham in a sense now.

    I hope you've enjoyed this look at how I viewed Gorham High and my time there. As well as my hindsight on it. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. Expect a slightly spooky story tomorrow. Something I'm doing for a submission as well as the blog. I hope everyone as a good Thursday. Now I'm off to the library to do some reading before starting on an essay I have due at the end of the week. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the library.*

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Best Subway Sandwich Of All

    Morning and I do apologize for there being no review yesterday, but I will have it up next Monday. Just was a long day yesterday since I was up at 3 AM, and I couldn't really function on as much sleep as I had gotten. Plus I was in a reading mood yesterday for some reason. I managed to finish a couple of more books yesterday though. So for the next three weeks we will be having book reviews on Mondays. But for today we are talking about Subway Sandwiches and what makes the best one. At least for me. This will probably make everyone hungry and lead to tons of comments about what people think is the best sandwich, which I welcome. So without further ado on with the show.

Best Subway Sandwich Of All Time
    Now as most can tell I have modified this prompt to go for the best Subway Sandwich of all time instead of just the greatest sandwich of all time. That is because for me I prefer Subway for my sandwiches above all other places a lot of the time, so I figured I would focus there this time. I'll go with other places in the future when I come back around to this prompt though, since I am big on sandwiches. I mean when you walk into Subway you know you are going to get one hell of a sandwich. But there are so many choices to choose from, and I often look to the menu to see what is new or what is on special to try something new. But I have my own preferences on what I like best when I go there. Just like anyone does.
    First I start with wheat bread for some good health. Then we are going for chicken breast again for the health factor and it just tastes good. But then I'm going to add a double order of bacon for added flavor even if some would say it is bad for me. Now onto cheese I tend to stick with American cheese since that is what I grew up with. Then I have it toasted to melt the cheese since that makes it so much better. Add Ranch Sauce to mix well with the veggies and chicken.
    Then add lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles to start off. Followed with onions and green peppers. Followed by cucumbers to mellow it a bit before adding banana peppers for the final kick to it. It gives it a good balance between veggies and meat I think. The one variation I might make for more of a kick is instead of American cheese I might use Pepper Jack. Last but not least add salt and pepper to taste. Then serve with chips and soda.
    It makes for a very big sandwich that is very filling as well as very tasty. All the flavors of this sandwich mix nicely for me along with the kick of the added spices from the veggies as well as sometimes the cheese. The Ranch Sauce keeps the kick from being too intense as well. It makes for an intense sandwich that is not too intense or too mellow either. But everyone has their own tastes and the most important thing is that you make the sandwich that dances on your taste buds.
    I hope you enjoyed that essay on my favorite Subway Sandwich. I look forward to seeing your comments on your favorite Subway Sandwiches as I said above. For now I need to find something to eat after making myself hungry and I can't wait for Friday when I will get a Subway Sandwich even more now. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Reflections: Preparing For The Road Ahead Of Me

    Morning from my desk, where I sit here writing this blog entry. And preparing for the week of changes ahead of me. So far I'm off to a good start I think. I'm up already at the crack of dawn and already on my first cup of coffee. Though I might need a nap later but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I'm looking forward today for the most part. I've come some reading planned to go with my writing plans for today. As well as some gaming eventually, most likely tonight sometime. Plus I'll be introducing my closest friends to someone very special to me.
    Then tomorrow I'll be working from my bed for most of the day and trying to get a jump start on the school week. Plus I will be working on getting a Tae Bo workout in hopefully. I'm really serious about getting my butt into shape this year. And I'm trying to quit smoking by the end of the year but that is a secondary goal at this point since I've been having more success with exercising. All be it, it is an uphill climb right now but I'm determined to get there.
    I'm also changing up my eating habits starting at the beginning of next month to help get my butt into shape. I'm cutting back on the soda. Though I refuse to give up my coffee. I'm cutting back on the pastries and sweets including ice cream. I'm switching to muffins to go with my coffee. Thinking mainly corn muffins or blueberry muffins at this point. I welcome any other tasty ideas that are low in sugar. My main goal with the diet changes at this point is to get the sugar down as low as I can. I'm still going to eat out up to four times a month, that is once a week. Which I believe is not too much, and if I go over it will be on like Subway or something like that. I'm still working on it. It's time to buckle down and head towards a new beginning with my health as I have been saying. I'm also going to try something really brand new for me with trying to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Shocking to some I know. For the longest time I've only eaten lunch and dinner or even in some cases just dinner and snacked before it.
    Now heading back to this week we are headed into Tuesday with an essay most likely. With all this food talk today I'm thinking I will either argue for the last french fry, or talk about the best sandwich ever. I'm not really sure which it will be at this point. But since I'm thinking about Subway at the moment it will probably be the sandwich one. I could go for a Subway Sandwich for lunch today. But it will have to wait till next month.
    Wednesday we go into the library and talk about books that have impacted me so far in my reading lifetime. Some will surprise a few people I think, and some will not. There are a lot of them to talk about and I'm going to include magazines in this blog entry as well, since there have been some magazines that contributed to me being such a big reader.
    Thursday we will be taking a trip in time to my days as limited as they were at Gorham High. I've covered it in bits and pieces in other entries about my past. But I want to tackle it head on this week. Since it was such an enjoyable time in my life in some ways. And I will look at both sides of it when I talk about it as well.
    Then on Friday I will be breaking hearts with "The Man In The Rain". At least that is my plan with this story prompt and what it has been calling out for me to do as I keep looking at it. Either that or it will go the horror route but I don't think it will. It is still forming in my head, but I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
    Saturday and Sunday as always are up in the air, depending on what happens throughout the week. Be prepared for anything to possibly be in those entries. Though lately it has been self-reflective and talking about changes. Hopefully you are looking forward to the week ahead as much as I am. Feel free to leave comments below about the upcoming week and what you are or aren't looking forward to as well as any suggestions. For now I'm going to go dive back into a book for a little bit as I finish my coffee and then work on finishing my school work for the week. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the recliner in the library.*

Saturday Thoughts: I Know What I Want And I’m Going For It

    I'm sorry there was no story yesterday but I will make it worth the wait next week. It's been a long week and I've come away with some thoughts that I will share with you today. Expect a little ranting today a bit, since I'm in a feisty mood. I'm all energized and ready to go for the day after a good 12 hour sleep last night. Though hoping in the coming weeks I can slide by with ten hours at most. I'm planning to start taking melatonin again since it does help me go to sleep.

    But as for what I want and am going after there are several things. One of them is going back to working at my desk, but easing into it more than I did before. Such as every other day for a few hours a day. Then building from there. The desk needs cleaning up anyways. I plan to start that on Sunday, and there may or may not be a blog then not sure yet.

    Plus I want to keep up with the reading I've been doing lately, though I don't think that will take much to do. I just have to make sure I make time for it every night as well as a bit during the day sometime for some of it. I'm getting close to finishing a couple of books soon. So there so be a couple of Monday Reviews coming up in the near future. This blog entry is coming out late today in part because I got caught up in some reading I was doing.

    I also want to get out to the movies more and am going to be looking into getting free tickets through a program I'm part of for the local theater. I've been putting it off for a while, and I think it is about time I got around to investigating it. I'm hoping it is possible so I can get out to the movies more. And hopefully I can find people to go with me since I really don't enjoy going to the movies alone as much as with other people. It is just more fun when you can lean over and whisper about an awesome part in the movie. And as soon as I feel confident and can see enough movies I will start reviewing movies on here. I have a couple of movies I'm going to practice later in the week on. One of them at the very least is an Oscar Nominee.

    I've started exercising in the past couple of weeks and I've found I enjoy it. I just have to develop a more concrete schedule for myself. Though I prefer doing it with my friends online I have to have a backup plan for when that is not possible. I've been doing Tae Bo. It works for me though that doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you since everyone is unique is what works for them. I already eat fairly healthy it is my lack of exercise that is the issue with my weight. So I'm working to change that slowly but surely.

    And despite what some people might say I have been getting better at keeping my apartment clean on a regular basis. And working on a schedule for when monthly tasks get done with the cleaning. But I refuse to spend the majority of my day cleaning. If people don't like it tough shit. I know what I need to do and I'm going to get to the place I need to be by doing it my way and not someone else's way. I got to this point by doing it my way, which is a big step from how I used to be. And I will get even further doing the same thing.

    I'm starting to socialize a bit more, granted it is at my house. But I'm slowly socializing more and being more interactive with the world. But with how my energy fluctuates sometimes I just want to curl up into a ball and block it out a bit. I'm still working on dealing with this, and it is taking time to deal with. But I will get there. Seems this week I'm going to be high energy. Which I like and want more of and am working towards.

    But the bottom line is I'm me and I change slowly. It doesn't just happen overnight despite what some would think should be able to happen with me. I'm not wired necessarily like they are. I make changes at my pace not necessarily the same as someone else's. And I'm thankful for the friends and family that I have who understand this and work with me. And stick by me as I'm working on my issues. Granted I'm stubborn and I can be frustrating. But that is part of the whole lovable package that is me. And damn it I'm worth it. And now I will return to my book since I haven't reached my goal yet. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed back to the library.*

Friday, April 24, 2015

Throwback Thursday: How Routine Has Played A Part In My Life

    Sorry this is late was over tired and sorry there was a post on Wednesday. We'll cover the topic I was going to cover yesterday next week. My sleeping pattern issues got in the way and I think they have straightened out for the most part. But it is all part of me struggling to find a routine that works for me in my adult life.

    As kids and young adults we don't have to struggle with that normally because it is all laid out for us by others. But as we come into adulthood we have to find our own way and that is where I am struggling in some ways. Though I'm working on it all be it slowly. But I will get there eventually.

    Though from my earliest memory at my grandparents' house there was always some sort of routine for me. Even if it was a loose one at first. I'd always get up and wake my grandmother up and then we'd have breakfast. She would read to me at breakfast as I got older. Then it was either off to play and watch television or off to school. If I wasn't in school which wasn't often for most of the time I was at my grandparents' house I would be watching television, playing outside, or helping my grandmother bake in the kitchen (as much as I could being so young).

    When I was in school it was pretty standard you moved from subject to subject. Though some bored me so I would get off task at times. I had special education at times and would get pulled from class on certain days for it. I enjoyed when we went to the library most often and even art class. Gym wasn't too bad in those days either. I think the worst was geography since I hated memorizing stuff. Though I did enjoy looking at maps. I hated recess though and stayed inside whenever I could, so that I wouldn't get picked on. But as I got use the routine it helped me function in school as far as academics went. Though as I got higher in grades I did poorer because I didn't like doing homework much.

    Plus there wasn't a real structure set up anywhere I was for homework at all. It was just go do your homework and there was no oversight to the process at all. As I got older I had times where I was better and where I was worse with homework. But overall I stayed bad at homework. It helped when I had teachers driving my interests as well as what they wanted, which made me want to work hard for them.

    Things were always more structured for me overall in Gorham though. I got to run wilder as a teen in Portland. Hanging out with my friends whenever I wanted and doing pretty much anything I wanted. The most structure I had was when I was working as a young adult when I tried. Though I got very frustrated with it at times since I barely ever got to see my friends at times.

    I know I need structure in my life, but the key is finding a balance to structure that works, and structure that is flexible. So far I've been unsuccessful at accomplishing this, but I will keep trying. I know I will figure it out eventually though. Just takes time unfortunately. I hope you have enjoyed this walk down memory lane this week. Leave comments below on how structure has worked for you or tips for me dealing with structure. For now I need to start getting my butt in gear. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tuesday Insights: The Note In The Bottle

    So insomnia has been kicking my ass again and unfortunately I didn't get around to a super early post like yesterday. But hopefully tomorrow I will be back on track. Plus I want to get some of the stuff done tonight that I didn't get done yesterday. But I'm in the process of transitioning to my desk full time and being more in the zone there than in my bed like I have been in the past. Tonight I'm doing the last of the bookshelf work for a week or so and then I'm working on revamping my schedule.
    But today we will be looking at me stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue and being able to send one note out in a bottle. It should be an interesting prompt in my opinion. So without further ado on with the show.

The Note In The Bottle
    If you are reading this it means my bottle has either been caught in your nets or washed up on your shores. I hope it finds you in good health. My name is Christopher Bartlett and by the time you read this I will have probably long been dead.
I was aboard the USS Fleetwood enjoying a lovely vacation after a long term in college when a storm came up out of nowhere. I struggled to make it back to my cabin, but was unfortunately swept overboard. The tides carried me to this uncharted (near as I can tell) deserted island. I've been living off the island's resources as best as I can. Though I'm starting to run low on water and the shoreline is slowly shrinking. I don't know which I will run out of first land or drinking water.
Before being washed overboard to this island I had been in the process of pursuing my BA in Creative Writing. I had just recently become a published author as well. And was looking forward to publishing more writing in the future. But I was also always there for my friends as much as I could be. I hope they will remember all the good times we had together more than how my life ended.
As well as the fact that though I was passionate in my politics I did try to be open minded. Though admittedly I could be thick headed at times. As well as stubborn as anything you could possibly imagine. But above all my biggest strength and biggest weakness was my heart which was too big in many cases. It often got me into trouble when I tried to help people out. Though I never stopped trying to help people.
I see I'm beginning to run out of room so in parting I will leave you with some advice. Follow your passions as best as you can. Always do the right thing even when it is not the easy thing to do, karma will reward you for it. Trust me I was angry as a young man and I think this might be why I got sentenced to this island in the end. Whatever path and career you choose to follow read and study as much as you can, you can never have too much knowledge when it comes to spiritual matters or your own passions if you are following my first piece of advice. And invest in higher education it will get you ahead in life.
With my last few sentences I will say I have enjoyed my life overall. I wish it was longer so I could make more memories. And if I do indeed die on this island as I think I will I hope my last view is of the sunset. Remember to treat the Earth well it is a living thing like we are. And treat your friends like family because they will be like that in times of need. I hope you live long and make many memories.
Christopher Bartlett
I hope you enjoyed my note in a bottle. And that is not really how I sign letters but not putting my middle name all over the internet till I start signing real things. Feel free to leave comments on things I might have missed putting in the note or with your own version of the note. For now there are a couple of books calling my name. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed towards the library.*

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Some Things Accomplished And Some Things Having To Wait

    Well I haven't finished the book I was hoping to finish by this morning, but it will get finished in due time. And I think this is the earliest I have ever started a blog post in a long time if not ever. I got my workspaces switched around yesterday, though as far as moving furniture around that will have to wait till sometime in June. Just because I have tom replace my bedframe before I can move it. But it will be happening once I map it out and replace the bedframe.

    I've also got my exercise schedule set up for the week and looking forward to it. Especially since I have found a routine that works for me and is motivating for me to do. Now if I could just do something about this insomnia. It keeps rearing its ugly head and keeping me up. I might not get any sleep today, but if not that's ok. I'll just wait till tonight. Just means more coffee drinking for the rest of the day possibly.

    I've also got plans to work on breaking through my writer's block today. Part of it has to do with reorganizing my desk this morning to get me better in the mindset of being constructive. Plus I'll be doing some reading in my writing books today as well. And I've got some prompts to work on as well. I'm feeling confident that today I'll break through the writer's block.

    I've also got school work to work on besides reading. I've got a short discussion to write into. Plus I have revisions on a story to work on as well. Plus I have some reading to catch up on that I have gotten behind on, but I'm sure I can catch up on it before term is out.

    On top of all that I have a book club meeting to prepare for by going through the book, and highlighting passages in the book. Plus I have to finish off the last shelf of my bookshelf as far as reorganizing goes. Plus I'll be folding laundry this morning at some point. And at the same time I'm doing this I will be catching up on my podcasts that I have fallen behind in over the past week.

    And as dawn approaches I find myself needing coffee as you probably are drinking some yourself. Feel free to leave comments on how you are starting off your week below. On to homework and coffee. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen and the coffee maker.*

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Reflections: Taking Stock On Life

    So it's Sunday and I figured this would be a good day to take stock on my life since I'm making big changes to my life. As well as possibly my office soon. And yes I know I'm still young at only 33, but it's good to take stock on life from time to time. Especially since I'm getting ready to get back in the game more than I have been in a while. Though I have done some things in the past year or so to be part of life.

    The only question is where to start in my act of taking stock. I suppose with the fact that I got my GED to graduate high school early since they were giving me the short end of the stick making it so I just didn't want to be there. Unlike the school I had been at before where I wanted to be there more than at home. Of course I also wasn't in the best place mentally either. Then I got hit with epilepsy.

    So I was stuck in a limbo on disability for years. Then I got married (Still have to get the divorce papers done.) and had a son. Unfortunately his mom messed up and the state took him using my disability against me. Though not without a fight. And fight like hell I did. I still miss him to this day, but I only have 9 more years to wait till I get to see him again and I count down to that day in the back of my mind.

    I've finally gotten well enough to go back to school, and I'm in the process of pursuing a BA in Creative Writing. And that is going pretty well since I'm still on the path to graduating with honors. And all along my journey in life I've made a lot of friends that support me. I've even been published in an anthology making me a published author. Plus me and my dad have started working on repairing our relationship. And me and my mom are working on getting along better as she is entering a new phase of her life. And I'm trying to get a relationship started though that might not happen.

    So you'd think I would be happy and content for now, right? Truth be told, I want more. I want a relationship. I want a book with just my name on it. I want to be successful in everything I'm aiming to have happen. I want fame and money and power. I want it all. And I'm still aiming to get it. It just takes time and I'm patient. As well as driven.

    And for now I'm happy with what I have. But I have my eye on the future as well. I'll keep going till the day they put me in the ground as a tree. Yes I plan to be buried as a tree with a headstone in front of it. Have to give back to Mother Earth what she gives to you after all. And seeing the major plot points of my life laid out like this makes me feel like I'm missing something like there should be more. Maybe it is just me being over ambitious.

    But before I wrap this up let me tell you what we have on tap for next week. Monday will be more of me rambling unless I happen to finish a book tonight. Tuesday we have an essay, which as usual I have not settled on the prompt yet. Wednesday we are taking a break from authors and talking about books that impacted me along my reading voyage. Thursday will be memories of routine this week. I'm still working on the prompt but Friday will have a story as usual. And Saturday will be thoughts from the week so it could be anything.

    Hopefully you enjoyed examining my life in the macro with me. Feel free to leave comments if you think of anything I missed or just things you want me to think about in general. My library is calling to be reorganized so I better get going to do that. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the library.*

Saturday Thoughts: Just Random Thoughts This Week

    So we've come to the end of the week once more. Not sure what to be thinking at the end of this week really nothing has really set me off. So there should be no ranting with this blog entry. No guarantees though. It's been a pretty good week though. With some changes and new practices happening that might shock some people.

    For instances I actually worked out a couple times this week. Shocker I know, and a bigger shocker is I'm planning to work out more next week. I'm using Tae Bo through YouTube. Haven't been able to get through a whole workout yet but working on it slowly but surely. I feel better after the workouts but also a little down, because it shows me how out of shape I've gotten. But I know I will get back there eventually. It's just going to take some time to get there. Since it took me time to get to where I am now.

    I've been working more at the desk lately and even as I take a break from it today I kind of miss it. I think I will start back tomorrow and that I might be rearranging my work space to better facilitate it. Still mulling it over as I write this though, but it is definitely in my thought process. I still want to be mobile though so that has to be a factor into it as well. But I think I can make it work.

    I think as I adjust to my new studying and working environment my writing will pick up since it has been ailing recently. Not sure why it just has been. Hopefully I will get some writing in tonight. Been mainly on a reading kick lately, not sure why that is though. Not a bad thing just how I've been feeling, and it does help me towards my goal of 52 books in a year.

    On top of all that might be rearranging the office completely in the near future still waiting for some options to be drawn out by a friend of mine so I can see if it is possible. Either way I have to get on top of reordering my bookshelves this week since I have new books needing placing on the shelves. Have to do that before I rearrange my work area. But before that have to file some papers.

    Sorry thinking out loud a bit, and at the same time rambling. I think I might take stock on life tomorrow in the blog if I can get started early enough. So stay tuned for that. Leave comments below on what you think of some of the changes going on and being considered. For now I need to plan out dinner. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

Friday, April 17, 2015

Story Time Friday: The Vacancy

    So I'm starting in the morning for the first time in a long time. It's a miracle some might say lol. More like I had an appointment and it got cancelled but I couldn't go back to bed. For some weird reason I was wide awake after just five hours of sleep. I know weird for me, and I'll probably end up taking a nap later because of it. But for right now I'm feeling pretty good even as I'm waiting on coffee. And on tap today we have a tale about a vacancy in a weird location of sorts. So without further ado on with the show.

The Vacancy
    Bruno had been walking through the hills for what seemed like forever when he saw what appeared to be a giant treehouse with a vacancy sign over it on the other side of a long wooden bridge. He thought he had to be hallucinating from walking so long, but he figured what did he have to lose he needed rest badly. And this seemed as good a chance as he was going to find with rain starting to fall as any.
    So Bruno started across the wooden bridge hesitantly at first and then more boldly once he was sure it was real. Finally he came to start before the ladder to the tree house. He figured since the bridge was real this must be as well, so he started climbing without hesitation. It was a fairly tall and sturdy tree as was needed for such a big tree house, so the climb was a long one for Bruno.
    At the top Bruno took a few minutes to catch his breath before knocking on the front door of the treehouse, which creaked open in response. This unnerved Bruno a bit, but he was not about to be scared off by a door obviously in need of repair. So he walked in being cautious just in case.
    "Hello?" he called out as he walked further into the treehouse.
    He got no response other than a breeze blowing through the open door behind him. He closed the door after jumping a bit before realizing where the breeze had come from. Then admonished himself for being so jumpy. Though he was so busy admonishing himself that he never heard the front door lock click, locking him inside.
    Bruno searched the downstairs for signs of anyone but found nothing not even any signs of supplies at all. He even kept stepping in piles of white goo that he wasn't sure what was other than something not too pleasant. So without thinking Bruno started searching higher and higher into the treehouse. All he kept finding were giant bats it seemed to him hanging in the ceiling. He figured they must be some sort of fruit bat or something so he paid them no mind. After searching endlessly and finding no one it was getting dark so Bruno dragged a mattress to the entrance way and decided to sleep there in cases someone showed up.
    It was then he heard the loud screech that told him those bats were not fruit bats but vampire bats. He knew then that he was in trouble. He ran for the front door and tried it only to find it locked shut tight. He tried the windows only to discover that they had bars on them that blended in with the treehouse. It was then that he realized the vacancy sign was bait to lure in victims to this kill box trap for the bats. If they were in fact bats. The last thing Bruno saw before everything went black was a huge swarm as if it was one living breathing thing coming towards him from up above. He let out a shriek and then everything went black and that was the last that was ever heard of Bruno.
The End
    Hopefully you enjoyed my little tale tonight. Please leave comments below letting me know what you thought. In the meantime I'm headed off to dinner as usual and maybe a little rum tonight. *Tips his hat and walks out the door wondering where the rum is.*

Throwback Thursday: Easter Growing Up

    I keep trying to get up in the morning and do these, but that is not happening lately. Though I'm getting them out fairly early in the evening still or at least starting on them at that time. It will get out earlier eventually it just takes time. So bear with me folks as I try to fix this mess of a sleeping pattern I have. As for today, it's Thursday which means a walk down memory lane with me. Today it will be about Easter over the years. I meant to get this out closer to Easter itself but it got messed up a bit. But then again no holiday is ever perfect now is it.

    As a kid growing up I had already learned my lesson about waiting for everyone to be up before opening anything at my grandparents' house from Christmas the previous year as early as I can remember. It was always a duck or chicken basket not sure which, but it was filled with chocolate treats and toys. Then it would be time to go hunting throughout the house for plastic colored eggs filled with candy since I didn't like hard boiled eggs. I was usually pretty good at finding the eggs though now and then I needed a little prodding in the right direction. Afterwards I was allowed to pig out a bit on my candy, which was a rare thing around my grandparents' house. Plus I would play around with the toys I had gotten in my Easter Basket and the basket itself.

    While I was playing my grandmother would be in the kitchen working on Easter Dinner, which was always more than we could all eat. She always has cooked for an army. We always had turkey around the holidays though I think we had ham once or twice. And making a big meal on a Sunday was nothing new for my grandmother since she did it every Sunday for around lunchtime, though on Easter there were sometimes more people than normal.

    It was a bit different when I was at my mother's house for Easter. I could open everything when I got up without waiting for everyone to wake up without getting yelled at. Though there weren't any eggs to find normally just an Easter Basket of goodies. Which always included a chocolate bunny.

    Plus with every holiday wherever I was I usually got a book. And even when I got back to my grandparents' house from my mom's house I still got an Easter Basket and vice versa. Dinner at mom's house for Easter though usually consisted of what is more thought of as the tradition ham dinner for Easter.

    With either place I was at I never did go to church for Easter though I did see parades and church services on the television. Though I've been to church on other Sundays as a little kid. So the television was never quite the same, but I knew what all the celebration in the ministries was about.

    But tell me about your Easter Celebrations in the comments below. I'd like to see how similar or different they are from my experiences. For now I'm late to dinner and hopefully it's not getting cold. Plus I have to round up the rest of my dinner guests who I've kept waiting. *Tips his hat and walks out the door to go tend to his dinner guests.*

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: John Scalzi

So I'm in between early and late today not sure if that makes me on time or not but it makes me something. Insomnia has been kicking my butt this week, but I've been working with it sort of. Still haven't gotten any writing outside of school work and the blog done yet this week, but hopefully that might change today since I almost have one school assignment done for the week. And early at that, now that is a shocker for some people. And this might be a short blog since I'm exercising in an hour or so. So I have to rush a bit.
    Today in the library we are talking about author John Scalzi. He is famous for his Old Man's War Series. Which is how I discovered him myself and he has written several other books including The Red Shirt Diaries. I haven't read that one yet but keep meaning to get around to it. I'm right now hooked on his Old Man's War Series as it keeps progressing and getting more and more intense.
    It's like a galactic soap opera in some ways to me, but on a much larger scale. There is always some new threat to humanity or the universe. And it keeps you gripped at the edge of your seats as it unfolds. You empathize with some of the characters and others you just want to smack upside the head. Some even appear comical in some senses. But it is a great read.
    And his interviews are great too. He is friendly and at the same time a smart ass and tells it like it is. He never ducks a question or tries to avoid it at all. He tackles them all head on. He was a blog writer before he even started writing novels. He even has a novel of all his blogs as well I believe.
    As always I welcome you to check out John Scalzi especially his Old Man's War Series. I'm sure you will enjoy it especially if you like Science Fiction. For now I have to get ready for Zumba so enjoy the library feel free to browse around at your leisure. And leave comments below if you want. *Tips his hat and walks out the door to get ready for Zumba.*

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Soundtrack Of My Life

    So for the first time in a long time I'm on time sort of. Or at least starting the blog on time. Despite insomnia last night where I was reading for a good few hours and listening to music for a while after that. I was even dancing in my bed at one point. At some point I need to make some coffee while writing this as well. But today we are talking about music and my life. The prompt asks for the theme song of my life, but I'm amending it to be the soundtrack of my life since I feel like it is too much to ask one song to sum up a life. So without further ado on with the show.

The Soundtrack Of My Life
    When you look back over life there are a multitude of songs that can fit into your life at any given time. Mine is no exception to that rule either. There have been ups and downs in my life and each of them can be captured in a song. From when I tried to drink myself to death, which could best be summed up in my opinion by Gun' N' Roses song Knocking On Heaven's Door. To my mid-teens which are best summed up by two songs. During the happy time it would be Bon Jovi's Living On A Prayer and when heartbreak hit it would be Poison's Every Rose Has It's Thorns.

    In my twenties it was ACDC's Back In Black and Hell's Bells as well as Highway To Hell. I was just out of control for the most part. And towards the middle to the end of my twenties it settled down to Guns 'N' Roses' Sweet Child 'O Mine. As well as their song November Rain. As love and responsibility leveled onto my shoulders and I felt it. At the end of my twenties which were filled with heartbreak and lost it would be the song Unbreak My Heart by Toni Braxton.
    Coming into my thirties I would be filled with renewed hope and energy as well as might have partied a little to shake away the sadness. Which changed the tune to One Wild Night by Bon Jovi. Then it went to It's My Life by Bon Jovi. As for what the next song will be in my life's soundtrack that is still being decided as we speak. But whatever it is will probably be a rock song though there is a rap song that is edging its way into the mix as we speak. What songs make up the soundtrack to your life?
    Hopefully you are rocking you to your own soundtrack to life as we speak. Me I'm getting ready to eat dinner. So I better head for the kitchen soon. *Tips hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen.*

Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Plotting Out The Week

    I actually got up before the night today, but sharing a computer with someone else temporarily and they had college work they were working on too. So I waited patiently and you get a bit of a late post, but I caught up on some reading at the same time so not all bad. And once more it is Monday folks, which means I'm already plotting out my week folks. I'm not just talking the blog either. I've got a lot of work I want to get done this week. Some of it back work and it is getting done this week.
    First and foremost on my agenda is finding out the reading for this week's class and getting it done. Then I'm on to discussion boards and critiquing the revisions made last week. Now that sounds like a four day thing to do with class sure. But in between that there is my own writing and reading I plan to get done as well as some cleaning that will have to be done. Yes I'm actually planning to do some cleaning this week despite what some would like to think. Plus I have to redo my bookshelves they are long over do for a rotation of sorts.
    But what will see you see this week. Well there will be an essay tomorrow I'm still trying to decide what prompt I will use though I have a good idea of which one. Wednesday we will be discussing John Scalzi and Thursday I will be posting the flashback to Easter for me as a kid that I meant to have up last week. And on Friday we might be in for a scary story depending on where I take the prompt.
    Now on to my soap box for the day. What the hell is up with the attack on diversity in literature in libraries? I mean seriously we talk about accept people for who they are and where they come from, and that should include in literature as well. If you don't like a book that is fine don't pick it up, but don't exile it from the library, so that no one is able to read it. That is just plain wrong. We talk about free speech so often and that includes in literature, so barring a book from a library is just as bad as punishing someone for something they say. If you are for free speech then you are also against banning books in libraries it is plain and simple.
    But I'll climb down off my soap box for now. Hopefully you are having a good Monday and your Tuesday will be even better. For now I'm going to go raid the cabinets and do some writing as well as catch up on the reading I'm behind on. Feel free to comment below if you have a thought on anything I've said today. *Tips hat and walks out the door to raid the cabinets.*

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Changes Are Happening Though Slowly

    So yes I know it has been a couple days since I posted and I apologize for that. Working on a new sleep schedule and it has thrown my posting schedule off. Along with actually shutting down the computer at night. I've also been doing more household chores as well. I'll wait while some pick their jaws up off the floor.

    So where has this new found motivation come from? Well from a woman what else. She has only been here a week and already she has turned the place upside down. Like I said above she has me doing more household chores than before. Going out when I normally wouldn't go out. She has me changing my sleeping pattern slowly but surely.

    She even has me considering changing the layout of the bedroom/office. Which is a big deal considering how long it has taken me to get it this way. But I'm actually open to the idea. We'll have to wait and see what comes of it. But the room may change around in the end, we'll see.

    My work/school habit have to improve with all of these changes taking place though. But it will get there, so far I'm keeping up with class. I'll find a way I'm sure. It might mean cutting back on some extra projects, but hoping not. But if it does then I will have to pick and choose and figure out which ones have to go on the back burner for a little bit.

    So far the amount of reading I've been doing has increased though not with school reading, but I have plans to change that and mix it in with my reading for relaxation. And I'm planning to cut back on the amount of books as I finish up the ones I'm reading now. Even as I'll start some new ones and mix in some magazines with them.

    Plus I plan to add in some audio books for when I'm doing household chores. Easy way to get in some extra reading for me. Unfortunately not so easy to get in some extra writing yet. I'm working on figuring out a way to get the extra writing in, but so far no luck. But I'll keep trying. In the meantime dinner is about done so I'd better get going. *Tips hat and walks out the door headed for dinner in the kitchen.*

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Piers Anthony

Running late again folks. Would have been more on time but had to do cleaning today for maintenance to come in tomorrow to look at the windows for some reason. Really just a big pain in the ass if you ask me. But today in the library we will be talking about one of my favorite authors of all time, Piers Anthony. He is one of the reasons I'm the reader I am today.
He is known for his Xanth Series, Geoddyssey Series, Bio Of A Space Tyrant Series, Adept Series, Incarnations Of Immortality Series, and many more. He is in his eighties now and shows no signs of stopping writing anytime soon. I swear he will pass away finishing a book on his computer. When he started out writing he was working on a typewriter and gradually got into the computer world. Though he still hand wrote everything for the longest time. Now he does almost all of his writing on computer.
He has shared his joys and tragedies with his fans through his monthly newsletter at And in the author's note at the back of his books for years before the internet came out. It has been and continues to be a privilege to be a part of his journey through life. I think that might be how I got interested in sharing my thoughts and views along with my life in general with all of you.
It was his Xanth book Demons Don't Dream that got me back into reading when I had fallen off the reading wagon when I was younger. Then I just gobbled up his books left and right. It led me to other fantasy writers though none were quite like him. Though I found some other favorites eventually. I also found fanfiction through Xanth. I was never able to write any, but I enjoyed reading the ones I found. I continue to read him to this day, letting him take me back to younger days.
When I read his Geoddyssey Series history opened up in a whole new way for me. I was suddenly immersed in these cultures and living through events that happened. It was amazing seeing people in these cultures brought to life before my eyes. Granted there were some long chapters that got to me but I soldiered on through them and even enjoyed them at points.
Pier Anthony is one of the few classic Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers still alive and writing. I recommend everyone to check him out, especially those who look for more of the classics in Science Fiction and Fantasy though he is also new age in those markets as well. He is a true living legend. I hope you have all enjoyed the trip to the library today. I think I'm just going to stay up and try to fix my sleep pattern so it is off to find coffee for this writer. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of coffee.*

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Carnegie Hall

    Another late night posting I know, but my sleep schedule is messed up though I'm working on fixing it. And forcing my muscles to work as they recover causing me some more pain but it is necessary for them to heal right in my opinion. So until I get my sleeping pattern back to normal expect that some posts will be late night for a while. Tonight we are going to Carnegie Hall where I get to show what I would do if putting on a show there. So without further ado on with the show.

Live From Carnegie Hall
    Welcome one and all to my one night show in Carnegie Hall. Tonight we will start off with comedy from my friend, George Hamm. Who is a wonderful comedian and does great wrestling impressions as well. He will make you laugh till you feel like you can't laugh anymore. Then we will move on to more comedy from Maine's own Bob Marley. Who will have you laughing even more than George did though this time about Maine things and things about the northeast.
    Once Bob finishes up we'll relax a bit with a local rock band and let everyone regain their breathe. They'll play a few songs and rock out the hall. Then to crank up the atmosphere even more we'll bring on Linkin Park for some nostalgia. Let them rock out for several of their hit songs.
    Next up will be Pen and Teller. They will astound you with their magic. Leaving you wondering how they did it and wanting more. Then you will get more comedy from Jeff Dunham and his friends. They will have you in the aisles laughing bent over double.
    Then we will explode the show with Jay-Z and Beyonce both performing for you and together. They will have you dancing in the aisles and singing along with them. And then to close out the night we will have Jay-Z do his hit song with Linkin Park. As well as his new hit with Alicia Keys. Then we will wish you all good night and hope you have enjoyed the show.
    I hope you enjoyed my write up of my one night at Carnegie Hall as short as it was. And now I'm dying of thirst so I'm off to get something to drink. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of something to drink.*




Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Monday Review: Closure (Audio Book)

    I'm late I know but been cleaning and needed to rest before posting. I know a bit of a shock hearing about me cleaning lol. I've got most of the week planned out including a late Easter post for Thursday. I also have an essay planned for Tuesday to a degree, still not sure on the prompt yet. Wednesday's post will be on Piers Anthony. Friday we will be back on track with a story. But today we are reviewing my friend and fellow author, Sylvia Stein's, audio book Closure.

    To start off with a word from Sylvia Stein:  I am happy to announce that my novella Closure is available through audio on ACX.   Now you can bring Sara's story to life with the amazing talents of Clay Lomayaku.   You can find the closure audio available through Audible from ACX and it is also available through iTunes and Amazon.   I will be giving out three free copies of the audio book .  All you have to do it leave a comment on the different blogs that will be hosting me this week through next week.  

Author Bio:

Author Sylvia Stein began her path to writing when she joined the Writer's Group on Linked in 750 in 2012 and she also started to connect with other authors through the World Literary Café.
Her First Debut Novel came in July 31, 2014 entitled, Closure and Chasing Clarity her first YA will be out this Spring 2015. . To quote author Stein, " This is the first of many to come."


    Now with all that being said I will add that this is a fantastic story that will make you laugh and cry at various points throughout the listening. The orator brings the story even more to live than when I first read it. He brings the characters more fully to live for the listener. It's like listening to one of those old radio shows on the radio, which are mesmerizing. I give this audio book five stars out of five stars.
Here is an excerpt:
In the dark corner of a room, Sara James waited until the monster fell asleep.
Who was the monster?
Garrison James, her father.
It amazed her how much had changed in the few short months since her mother, Lila left. It felt as if it happened over night.
At first, he seemed absent. Then the yelling, drinking, and angry glares erupted whenever she entered the same room as him. Soon, he began calling her names. When she thought things could not get worse, the real abuse began.
He's not my dad!
He's a monster!

Heavy footsteps tromped towards the room. She gulped in jagged breaths and looked to the ceiling while blinking rapidly. A feeble attempt to control her tears.
When hiding from the monster found her, she would replay what she did wrong and how he caught her the time before.
Don't cry, she reminded herself, that's how he finds you.

She looked around the once lively home for a sweet reminder of better times. There was a time when the house was surrounded by a beautiful garden. Her and her mother would walk hand in hand and choose which flowers to bring inside. Now, the windows were closed, and the vase that usually held flowers sat empty. No matter where she looked, there was no sign of happiness or life.
The house had become a vessel of sorrow and pain.
Mommy, think of her.

She closed her eyes and forced images of her favorite memories. A brief smile appeared as thoughts reverted her to one of the many times when her mother taught her how to bake cookies.
"Oh, Momma, I miss you," she whispered.
The memory of her mother distracted Sara from the harsh reality. However, nearly as quick as the memories arrived, they dissipated, and before she knew it, the monster began lashing out.
"Sara! Sara! Where are you?" he screamed.
Realizing she had made noise. Sara covered her mouth and began internally praying.



    Hopefully you enjoy that excerpt and it leaves you wanting more I know it has me wanting another listen to the audio book myself. *Tips hat and walks out the door to listen to the audio book again.*

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: It's Been A Long Week

    I do apologize for there being no entry yesterday, just been trying to recover the best I can from my fall earlier in the week. Starting to heal a bit, but it is slow going. The week was running along nice and smoothly until it happened too, but then I guess Murphy's Law had to come into play.
    I did manage to get some reading done since I've been laid up in bed though not enough to finish off any books quite yet. But there are some that are getting close to it. But there will be an audio book feature on Monday, you'll have to stay tuned to find out more. And hopefully by the end of next week I will have finished another book.
    Working on getting back on track with my writing as well. I did like no writing so far this week aside from what I've done on the blog. But hopefully will get some in before the weekend is out. I've also got plans for my short story I'm working on in class on two fronts. One is to possibly turn it into something bigger, though not so sure about that. Two is to sell it to a magazine and make some money off of it, which is a bigger possibility I think.
    I think I'm done ranting for a while, but you never know. It really depends on the news and how much stupid stuff happens in it. I'll try to keep it confined to my personal Facebook page. But if it gets to be too much rest assured there will be another rant. I try to keep them spaced out so that they have impact as well. Too many too close together and they just sound like rambling.
    School has been enjoyable this term though I keep getting behind on the reading. I think it is because the text is not engaging like some writing texts have been in the past. It's like a droning narrator in the book, not someone speaking energetically about it. It drags the whole book down. But the writing assignments have been engaging. And I like the group of reviewers I'm in. They keep giving me good advice and I try to give them good advice as well.
    But next week is a new week is also a new week and I will also start again and try to do better than I did this week. Injured or not. I fall down but I always get back up. I refuse to stay down. So next week you will see me back to my old habits hopefully. I will lay out my plans for next week tomorrow in more detail. For now I've got to get going on the rest of my school work for the week, but first I think I'll have a bit of dessert that I passed up on earlier. *Tips had and walks out the door in search of dessert.*

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Being A Kid In Portland

    I know I'm late today, but still recovering from a bad fall yesterday that prevented me from posting. Messed up my right foot and my back so not going to be going anyplace anytime soon. I'll be seeing a doctor about it soon, no worries. But today we are talking about my childhood in Portland. For clarification that is Portland, ME.

    I didn't get to play with a lot of other kids till I was about 8 and my mom found the projects that I now live in. Then it was just a matter of going out when other kids were out and making friends. We played tag and four square mainly in the entranceway of the building my mom lived in as well as on the playground across the street. On rainy days my friends would come over and play video games with me and my mom all afternoon until around dinner time.

    But most of the time we were outside hanging out on the playground either playing tag or talking and hanging out. Sometimes we'd lay basketball in the basketball court next to the playground. In summertime we would get in trouble for using the laundry room to refill our water guns. We had massive water fights all across the property in those days. Almost all summer the sidewalks and entryways would be soaked with water. Management was not pleased with us.

    In the fall we would mostly spend time talking about relationships and things that bothered us as our energy was winding down. I miss those long talks. I've lost touch with most of my friends from those days unfortunately. We'd still play tag and four square but just not as much as in spring and summer. When it was too cold out for us to be comfortable outside the whole gang would come over as on rainy days and we would sit around talking including my mom or we would play video games.

    Winter time everyone was busy doing their own thing from around Thanksgiving on. The last real get together would be around Halloween in the fall and then everyone drifted to their own thing. Though a few of us would get in trouble for sledding out front of my mom's building. But mostly it would be me and whoever decided to drop by playing video games throughout the winter. Though I also read in winter because I couldn't just play video games all winter long.

    As spring came in people came by more and more though we didn't go out till everything was fully thawed. We'd hang out talking or play video games in the early spring days mainly. Once the days turned warm we would start to trickle back to the outdoors and playing four square and tag with renewed energy.

    It would last this way for the most part into my teen years when it would become more about hanging out and talking or playing video games inside. There would be more talk of crushes and eventually games of truth and dare. But those early years really helped me learn to socialize thanks to the people willing to bring me into their circle and show me things. I wish I still had contact with them to this day since I miss them greatly. Maybe they will find one of my pages and reach out to me someday, I can only hope. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of a snack.*