Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Review: Pet Shop Boys

    It's the dreaded Monday folks and as promised we have a Monday Review today. It's another Kim Harrison story, but as always there is no disappointment here. I finished reading it just this week within days of getting it for just $0.99, which is a good price for any short story but a steal for this one.     

    We start out meeting Cooper a pet shop worker with a college degree who sticks around because he has a crush on the owner. But soon after meeting Cooper and getting to know him weird stuff starts happening in the shop. And it only gets weirder from there, but in a good way. Yes I'm being very vague deliberately not wanting to spoil any of it for you.

    Kim Harrison as always builds solid characters here that I could see evolving if given the chance. As well as the scenery. This seems like such a tease when you come to the end of it, but a good tease. It makes me hope she will pick this world back up again and give us more of it, so we can see where these characters might go in the future.

    Overall I like the slow build up to a bursting climax in this story. But the conclusion is too fast for me though it doesn't take away from the story. Maybe it is just my hunger for more after the climax that makes me not like the conclusion so much. Still I give it five out of five stars. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of more good reading.*

1 comment:

  1. Great one! Loved the post and I will be checking this out.
