Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: My Dream House

    So it's Valentine's Day and I'm not doing anything special for most of the day. Though getting together with friends later tonight. I did allude to talking about my dream house in a future blog post, and here it is. With some ramblings as well as with any Saturday Thoughts Column. Also note there will be a Monday Review on Monday. I'm trying to make the blog run all week with an optional break on Sundays. I have a few ideas for next week, but we'll see how those pan out.
    Today we are talking about what I would do with my first dream house. I plan to have a few over my lifetime depending on how big I can get in the publishing world, so there will be other discussions on this I'm sure. But with the first one it would have a finished basement as well as an elevator through the whole house since I hate stairs. And I'd be sharing it with at least my friend, Tim, who I consider a brother. It would be a three storied house counting the basement as a story. Not sure on the spelling there but bear with me on it. I'd have solar panels for electricity and hot water on it as well. Along with maybe a small windmill outside that looked nice. Plus siding if they made it in a color me and Tim could agree on. And I'd make sure it was insulated as well, since it gets really cold in winter up here in Maine. Plus I would look into Geothermal heating and cooling for the house. If you hadn't guessed by now I want the house to be as environmentally friendly as possible but I would also have a wood stove in the house as well. It would probably be in a section of the basement since I want the basement to be really large.
    The reason for the wood stove is back up in case of total power failure which is doubtful, but it pays to be prepared. That would take up a third of the basement, and Tim is not sure what he would do with his third of the basement yet. In my third of the basement would be my office. And all three would intersect at an elevator going through the whole house as I mentioned earlier. In my office would be wall to wall bookshelves looking like they were built into the walls. With various decorations on them in front of the books and pictures above them. As well as my desk over in one corner snug as a bug in a rug. Definitely more organized than it is currently. But still with decorations on it. Ready for use as always. I'd bring my laptop down to it every morning after coffee. As well as my kindle. My reading chair would be in a corner near one of the windows for plenty of light with the foot rest. Unless I got a recliner instead for the office. There would be a fold out table and fold out cushioned chairs for when friends came over on game night. It would be a nice big table with plenty of chairs for however many people came over. Though never more than could fit in the elevator with me.
    The elevator would ideally come out between the kitchen and living room. In the kitchen it would be all stainless steel with a wood breakfast bar attached. The kitchen would be all stainless steel for easy cleaning and a show of professionalism with our cooking. We'd use the latest in cooking technology that fit us. The stove would be one of those smooth top cooking surfaces that you can wipe down easily. No sense having something that can have food get dropped down into it. All the dishes would also be dishwasher safe since we would have a dishwasher since I absolutely hate doing dishes, and I doubt Tim would want to do them all the time. There would be plenty of counter space and a built in slot for a microwave up above. On the counter would go a coffee maker first and foremost. Followed by a toaster, deep fryer, and crockpot.
    Then straight across from the kitchen would be the dining room with an oak table able to fold out bigger when company was over for meals. Plus wooden chairs with rigid backs for back support. The floors here would be hardwood unlike the tiled kitchen floors. There would be candles on the table and a chandelier above it would be lights for lighting at night. There would be paintings and photos on the walls and maybe a nick knack cabinet as well.
    From the dining room you could head towards the kitchen and take a left and head down the hall finding on the right the bathroom with a shower and toilet nothing really fancy. On the left would be the guest room with a Queen Bed and large dresser along with nightstand on either side of the bed and a desk to work at, all made from wood.
    Heading straight back past the dining room and kitchen you would find yourself in the living room next to the door to the garage. There would be a fireplace in the living room right next to the garage and a leather couch facing it that wrapped around to under the window. With a leather recliner next to the door. Next to the fireplace in the corner would be a television with various video game systems hooked up to it.
    Then heading back on to the elevator would bring you up to the top floor where Tim's office and bedroom are as well as my bedroom and another guest bedroom. The guest bedroom would be laid out like the one downstairs primarily. And Tim is still making decisions on his bedroom and office. My room would have a dresser in the walk in closet with clothes hanging on the other side of it. A Queen Bed facing the window so I could watch the stars at night and be woken up by the sun in the morning. Hanging on the walls would be the most personal pictures to me. There would be a nightstand next to the bed as well as a stand next to the bed for the laptop. And an empty nightstand on the other side of the bed for when that special someone comes into my life. Plus room for wherever she wanted to put her dresser.
    Well that is my house ideally as I picture it, and hopefully I will get most of it when I make enough money to buy a house someday. It's a long way of it seems but working on it. I'll get there I know I will. *Tips hat and walks out the door humming to himself.*


  1. I always wanted a huge staircase in my entryway that split off to separate wings at the landing, marble columns two stories high on my veranda, a maze garden leading to aj Olympic pool, and a dining room big enough to seat a massive dinner party, but I've reached a turning point in the plot of my life...I now want functionality and mobility in a residence. I want to cram modern living into a 5x8 light enough to tow. Maybe I'll tow my area home up to your dream home's driveway and crash in an available spot (during a warmer month, as I can barely tolerate winters in the south as it is).

  2. I always wanted a huge staircase in my entryway that split off to separate wings at the landing, marble columns two stories high on my veranda, a maze garden leading to aj Olympic pool, and a dining room big enough to seat a massive dinner party, but I've reached a turning point in the plot of my life...I now want functionality and mobility in a residence. I want to cram modern living into a 5x8 light enough to tow. Maybe I'll tow my area home up to your dream home's driveway and crash in an available spot (during a warmer month, as I can barely tolerate winters in the south as it is).
