Friday, February 13, 2015

Story Time Friday: Johnny’s Everyday Adult Life

    This week's Story Time Friday Prompt is again a request from my counselor. She wants to know what Johnny's daily adult life would be like since he had the ideal parents. So for the first time ever on Story Time Friday we will have a sequel to a story. This should prove interesting in my eyes. So without further ado on with the show.

Prompt: What would Johnny's daily adult life be like after having the ideal parents growing up?

The Ideal Adult Life For A Writer Hopefully

    Johnny had been privileged growing up in that sense that he had had the ideal parents that any kid could have wished for. Now he was a college graduate and his parents expected him to go out on his own. Johnny was admittedly nervous, but his parents were there to guide him through it all. They helped him find a good paying job as an editor that allowed him time to write as well, so that he could pursue his dream of being an author while making a living for himself.

    Then after he had saved up enough they helped him get an apartment showing him what he needed to do. Which made it less intimidating for him. He got a nice but affordable place that let him have one separate space for working and one for sleeping. His parents also supplied him with some additional furniture to help fill out the place. Johnny liked it as a good start but knew it would morph over time as he personalized it. As well as made it the perfect work and company space and the same thought went through his head about the sleeping space.

    Johnny's routine changed a bit but not much with the new place. He got up early for work and got dressed though instead of school clothes it was now always in a suit. Then he would hop in the car his parents had helped him get when he was younger and drive to work, stopping along the way for a cup of coffee. Johnny was always right on time or a little early to work, and he would chat with coworkers as he came into work.

    Since it was still early in the morning he would look through the incoming manuscripts and see if there was anything that should be passed on up to his superiors to look at. Then as it got later into the morning he would check in with authors he had manuscripts out with and see if they had any questions or concerns. After that it was down to working on making edits to manuscripts he had on his desk that needed editing. He'd field calls and emails as they came in on his laptop and phone as the day went on. But overall he just worked on editing throughout the day, which ended around 5 PM.

    Usually there was nothing going on after work so he just packed up his laptop and headed home from work. Johnny would get home around 5:30 or 6 PM depending on traffic and flip on the news as he set his laptop up at his desk. Johnny would then grab a cup of juice as he looked at the empty spot on the counter where he was planning to put the coffee maker soon.

    Johnny then went back to his laptop that was booting up and got everything opened up that he needed for the night. Opening an email from the boss that said he had done a great job and could work from home tomorrow. Which was great for Johnny since it had been pay day that day. It would allow him to get some extra time for errands though he would still put in the time for work as always. Next Johnny went through his recipe notebook on his laptop to see what he wanted to make for dinner that night.

    Knowing he had a little extra time to sleep in the next day Johnny decided on a stew in the crockpot he had gotten from his mother. He pulled out the stew meat from the freezer and put it in some warm water. Then went to work chopping up the vegetables and herbs for the stew. He set them aside and went back to the computer to check his personal email while he waited for the stew meat to thaw out.

    He combed through the emails and deleted the junk keeping only those emails that were good or interested him and weren't in the junk mail folder. Before doing anything further Johnny checked on the stew meat, noting that it only needed a little longer before it was thawed enough for cooking. So he decided to read his email and then start cooking. The email gave Johnny some laughs and smiles as well as some news on favorite authors of his. Plus it let him get some free books for the kindle he had from his senior year in college.

    After email had been taken care of Johnny put the stew meat and vegetables as well as some water and the herbs into the crockpot and set it on high since he was hungry. Normally he would be willing to wait six hours for a stew to slow cook, but tonight he was in a bit of a rush to eat. Then he turned his attention back to the laptop and signed into Facebook. He took care of his notification on his page and his author page. Then started chatting with friends near and far seeing how their day had been.

    He chatted for a couple of hours pausing now and then to stir the stew. Working on his writing in between messages as he did so after the first half hour. He got a good thousand words or so in on one project that night. As the second hour came to a head he checked on the stew and could tell that it was done. So he used a gravy master packed and some corn starch to thicken it up before serving it up. He sat at a card table that served as his dining room table of sorts to eat dinner. Johnny was indeed hungry that need eating half the crockpot of stew before being full.

    He set the stew on a very low setting to keep it warm but not dry it out. Then put the dishes in the sink to soak for a half hour while he went back to working on the laptop. He checked his work email for anything urgent before going back to his writing. He checked his to do list and saw he was right on target for the day. Then made a note in his schedule to visit the local gaming store on Saturday, which was his day off.

    As he finished a paragraph he check on the soaking dishes, and seeing that they had soaked enough washed them. Since there were only a few he dried them as well and put them away. Until around 9 PM he works on his writing and chatting with friends then saves his work and closes it. Next up is his Wii time so that he gets a little exercise in. Tonight he is in an RPG mood, so goes for one of those games. Within a half hour he is starting to feel the burn from all the hacking and slashing.

    Finally at 10 PM he has no more left to give to the game and has to save and quit. He checks over Facebook one more time and then says goodnight to his friends before heading to the bathroom and drawing a nice hot bath. He soaks for most of an hour before cleaning up. After a nice long bath he heads for his bedroom changing into clean clothes for night time. Then he pulls out his Kindle and makes the updates he has to before choosing a book to read that night. Before he starts reading he takes his night time meds and then starts reading.

    As his eyes get heavy as he is reading he knows it is time for sleep. So he puts the Kindle on the charger, and turns the light off. And after a long day Johnny closes his eyes drifting off to sleep.

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