Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Monday Blahs: Running Late Once More

    You'd think that having a day off I'd be running on time today, but no I'm not. I had to stay up late last night pulling an all-nighter to finish a paper for class, and then slept all day. I would have gotten this up sooner but I had a book club meeting that I had been looking forward to all weekend to attend to first. And it was a blast.

    And I know most people don't have Mondays like that normally, but Mondays are important. They kick off our week and get us headed in the right direction. Besides if we removed Monday we would be complaining about the day that took its place. I know we all enjoy out weekends and time off and want more of it. But things have to get done so there has to be a time back to work eventually, and it just so happens to be Monday in most cases.

    I'm sure some people have a great work schedule where they have tons of time off, but the majority of us have to go back to work on Monday. I only take Sundays off for example and even then I'm working somehow even if you don't see something from me. I sometimes even work on blogs ahead of time, and would have this week if not for the big paper. I'm chomping at the bit for Tuesday's blog entry since it's an essay one and has been eating at me all weekend long.

    Everyone has a day at work they look forward to for most it is Friday. For me it is usually Thursday and Friday since those are my major storytelling days, but it may change over time as I get more experienced at blogging. But even as I have favorite days I still try my best everyday like everyone else. I wish I could be at an office that has pizza parties sometimes because those seem like they would be so much fun to me.

    Even if they would take away from productivity of the whole day it would still bring a boost to productivity overall. I mean the closest I get to that is the few days a month when I get takeout, though that is early in the month. So normally by the end of the month my productivity is starting to lag a bit, but then the beginning of the month hits. And I'm reenergized once more. Eventually I want to be more constant than that, but it will take some time to make happen.

    But it is a work in progress, and getting there. I know it takes time, but sometimes it does get frustrating. Because I want to hurry up and start making money in my profession of writing, just working on thinking of how to do it at first and branch out from there. And I welcome ideas from you, my readers. But as this month is coming to a close I'm not frustrated more inspired and motivated to get things done for projects I'm working on.

    In the immediate future I need to straighten out my sleep pattern so these posts start coming in a more timely fashion. So I'm going to go read a book and leave you with this parting thought. Are Mondays really the worst thing in the world? *Tips his hat and walks out the door in search of his Kindle.*

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