Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Dealing With The Past

    It's been an interesting week so far. It has left me perplexed on some women, well more like two who happen to be my exs. Each says I cheated on them with the other. Now the problem with that is before being with either of them at any time I was broken up with the other one. But they act like it doesn't matter like they still owned me somehow. It's enough to drive a man crazy after hearing it for so many years. And whenever I argue back they say it is something to do with feelings or to never mind they don't want to fight.

    And honestly I'm trying not to rant but it just happened again last night. Which leaves me stuck wondering when they will realize they are wrong or drop it at the very least. It's only been going on for about 15 years now. You'd think they'd have moved past this argument by now. And I keep getting cast as the bad guy when I did nothing wrong. Well I mean breaking up with a girl sucks but I had my reasons. At least I think it was me who did the breaking up, it could have been her that time.

    But still I hate those arguments of I didn't mean it or I was just mad. We all do a lot of stupid shit when we are mad and we can't take it back after. We can apologize for it and ask to be forgiven and try to go back to how things were but we can't take it back. And sometimes things have changed as a result of our actions. But somehow I'm supposed to be a mind reader or fortune teller and know what is going to happen for sure in the future.

    That is like me for one killing someone and going before a judge and going sorry your Honor I didn't mean it I was just mad. The Judge would throw the fucking book at me. Or two me going before the judge and saying sorry your Honor but he was on his way to murder someone I saw it in a vision. The Judge would throw me in a Mental Hospital and throw away the key most likely.

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one with crazy people in my life that argue with me like this. Tell me in the comments if you have ever had people argue with you in a similar manner. This rant brought to your courtesy of my exs. *Tips hat and walks out the door still fuming and ranting.*

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