Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Me As A Reader

    I'm not sure if this will stick as a column but trying out new things this week to give you, my readers, more content. As well as some more insight into me. I figure most of you are readers so this might be a good piece to use for Wednesdays when it is hump day and just to discuss what we are reading. Me in the blog and you in the comments. I like book discussions a lot. Sometimes it even leads to me picking up a book I never would have before.

    Though as much as I like novels I'm always cruising through magazines looking for tid bits to use in stories and bits of knowledge to get my brain thinking. And I'm constantly finding fascinating things out. Some magazines I read for literature that just let me wander around too. I also read newspapers to keep up to date with what is going on in the world around me, because I think that is important. Plus it is a habit I developed as a kid. Every day at breakfast I would read the front page of each section and find out what was going on in the world and local news. I'll eventually get back to that someday.

    I never seem to have enough time to read everything I want to read, but I keep trying. Eventually I will be caught up or leave it to someone else to catch up for me. The kindle is a great asset to me letting me take my whole library with me everywhere I go, though there are times I just want the book itself in my hands. So I keep hard copies of all my reading material as best as I can around.

    I even read graphic novels and comics here and there, though I should do better at keeping up with the storylines. I'm slowly developing a reading schedule for myself though it isn't easy. But it might be the only way I get to read everything I want to and more in the time I can wrangle to read. I'm also part of three book clubs so you can see how this could be difficult on me.

Though I think audio books might be able to help sometimes as well. At least if you can multitask and sometimes they are fun to listen to after reading the book to hear how someone else interpreted it. Sort of like an audio movie for the books that don't get a movie. And to me it gives me a sense of what the older generation experienced with radio programs since those were like reading books over the radio.

That would be interesting on a side note though, a book radio station I mean. The closest I can come up with at the moment would be a podcast on books and/or the book we are reading in the book club I run. Or a mix of the two. Plus have to throw in a little writing in the mix as well. After all I'm a writer.

And that influences my reading choices as well. I'm always finding new ideas here and there. I like anthologies because they can sometimes me filling or sometimes only give you a taste of what you are after, and leave you wanting more. I've had a lot of short stories do that to me. But it is hard for them not to. They only have such a short space to tell there tale in, and there can be such a bigger tale to tell than the space allows for. But the writer tries to tell just one tale in that space anyways.

One poet I plan to read more of in the future is Maya Angelou. I heard a recording of one of her readings the other day, and it made me think. It also made me want to read more of her work. Another person that most people should here speak is Stephen King. He is witty and sarcastic but also wise. One of his books is the next in my book club's reading list as well.

Well my cup of coffee has run out, and I've started to ramble. So I will say I've enjoyed sharing my reading habits with you, and I think I'll try this column out for a while. Not sure what we will talk about next time, but isn't the surprise half the fun. *Tips hat and walks out the door whistling.*

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