Monday, February 16, 2015

Sunday Reflections: It’s Been An Alright Week

    So this will be a here and there column on the blog, since Sundays are optionally off for the blog. But I was feeling chatty about the week today so I figured why not write something for the blog. It hasn't been a bad week, just an alright week for me overall. I'm still perfecting my work habits and so far not making much progress but hopefully that will start to change soon.

    Just a matter of implementing the changes slowly is all, and planning to start that on Monday. Hopefully I will be fully feeling better by then. Don't get me wrong I'm feeling better now just not 100%. I'm glad I was able to get so much writing done on the blog this week. Though I did get little else done for writing. But that should change next week as well. I'm starting to fall into a sort of routine of my own as I go, but it still has to develop consistency.

    But like any work in progress it takes time. I got to hang out with friends online which was fun this week. Even getting to talk to friends I hadn't talked to in a while. Some longer than others, but it was still good. I even did a little karaoke on Saturday night, which was fun even as I was coming down from trying to be peppy that day.

    But looking forward as I look back I have some goals for next week. One of which is to do more of my writing at the desk. I also want to do more of my reading in the reading chair. Plus I want to try and find more of a balance between working on the blog and my other writings. I'd also like to try and do more newspaper and magazine reading in the morning when I'm drinking my coffee first thing. As well as continue working on my cleaning skills while working on all of these things. I have gotten a little better at checking the mail, with checking it every day around the same time for the most part.

    Things are changing and I'm adapting to change and meeting new people and making new connections. Things are in the works still but those things are going to take time. So bear with me all will be revealed in due time. As things develop you'll know about them as soon as I can reveal them. As always I'm grateful to all of you for sticking with me. Tune in tomorrow at an earlier time for Monday Review. *Tips hat and walks out the door thinking to himself.*

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