Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday Insights: What Dairy Queen Blizzard Am I

    So today is the first of the essay prompts for Tuesday Insights and I've been chomping at the bit for this one. For those that don't know Dairy Queen is a widespread ice cream and to a lesser extent a fast food chain. The Blizzard is their signature ice cream dish with ice cream and various treats whipped together basically. I'd say blended but then I'm afraid I would make people think of a shape or frappe. And I'll be honest I haven't yet been able to decide which one I am yet so you will be getting to see me think this out loud in the blog. So without further ado on with the show.

My Inner Dairy Queen Blizzard
    So I was looking at the Dairy Queen Menu to prepare for this prompt and I narrowed it down to two Blizzards as my choices as to which one defines me as a person. One is the Strawberry Cheesecake, and the other is the Choco Cherry Love. But now I have to figure out which one defines me more or if I have to go back to the drawing board.
    First we'll start with the Strawberry Cheesecake. It defines me in the sense that I'm sweet, thick, rich (culturally), and mostly easy going. I wish I was rich in other ways than culturally but unfortunately I'm not there yet. And I'm not afraid to admit having a thick body though it will hopefully become a bit slimmer during this year. And I'm sweet in general, it's just my nature most of the time. As well as being easy going though I do speak my mind and in debates I can get heated as I freely admit. Plus I'm smooth when it comes to talking in a tense situation I must add.
    Next we go to the Choco Cherry Love. This one defines me again with the sweet aspect as well as being smooth along with having a bit of bite to it. Plus it is thick, rich, and mostly easy going. And I am a romantic at heart so the love part fits. And I do have a bit of bite to me even being as easy going as I am. I just prefer to talk things out when I can. And Cherries are sweeter than Strawberries which goes better with me as much as I like Strawberries.
    I think in this case what would be my favorite Blizzard to have won't be the one that defines me, which doesn't please me. But the prompt asked what Blizzard defines me as a person not what was my favorite Blizzard. And they both do define me, but one defines me a bit more than another is all.
    In the end it is a hard choice, but ultimately the Blizzard that defines me as a person is Choco Cherry Love. Though the ironic part is I would want to order the Strawberry Cheesecake to eat more likely between the two. Because as much as the Choco Cherry Love defines me as a person in traits it leaves one thing out and that is that I'm a Cheesecake fan at heart as well. Sometimes life is ironic.
    So there you have it the Blizzard that defines me and all the ironies that go along with it. If you agree or disagree feel free to make your case in the comments section below, or feel free to tell me what Blizzard defines you even if just because it is your favorite Blizzard. Use it as an excuse to go to Dairy Queen and do research. *Tips hat and walks out the door headed for Dairy Queen.*

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