Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Changes Coming And More

    Let's see if I can get this out on time for once this week. It's been a hectic week and one full of late posts. I will probably be taking off tomorrow, but that is not guaranteed yet. I was also noticing something yesterday while going through my writing prompts looking for the one I would use for Story Time Friday and that is that I have a lot of essay prompts for writing. So I got to thinking where can I use these best in the blog. Then it hit me that the best place was Tuesday Insights since they all give a little peek into what I would do as a person. As well as what I think as a person. And it doesn't mean I will use them all the time just when I don't have any pressing issues to discuss on that day.

    And for Wednesday In The Library I'm going to try and make it more of an author talk. Not sure what my alternative for Mondays will be when I don't have something to review but I'm still trying to come up with something. I know I want it to be a feel good beginning to the week and list you, my readers, up since Mondays can be so ugh. As always I welcome input.

    I'm also working on two projects right now. One for school, which may eventually see publication someplace, and the other is for publication in an anthology that is aiming to be out in June. The one for school is about a radio station set in 1957 and the storytellers there and political mayhem that ensues and maybe a ghostly touch to it. I haven't decided yet. It is still mapping itself out in my head. The one for the anthology is still in the rough, rough draft stage. So you'll have to wait for more details on that one, but I can tell you it concerns Military Veterans.

    I'm trying to stay on top of things but I haven't been feeling the best in recent weeks and just now seem to be getting better so the posts should be coming timelier hopefully. I'll also be working from my desk more so that may change the tone of my voice a bit in my posts, and if it is in a bad way let me know so I can change where I type my blog posts to make them better. As much as I write this blog for myself I also more importantly write it for you, the reader. Unless I have the urge to write a fun essay tomorrow I won't be seeing you till Monday, but I hope you have a good rest of the weekend. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of more coffee.*

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