Thursday, February 26, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Late Wednesdays

    Interesting title I know, but it refers to the fact that there was late arrival on Wednesdays when I was going to high school in Gorham. Of course I always used to arrive early and hang out with my friends in the cafeteria and talk about various things. It was my first writing group, and where I learned about a lot of things geeky. Such as how to play Magic: The Gathering better, and about RPGs, Role Playing Games. The pen and paper kind. I already knew about the video game kind by then.

    I formed a lot of lasting friendships in those one and a half years, and even found ways to come back and enjoy them after I had left Gorham to return to Portland. I would get homework done as fast as possible on Tuesdays when I got home and spend hours upon hours on my writing no matter what it was I was working on. I wanted to have plenty of material to bring with me on Wednesday Morning. Unfortunately this often led to me having a lot of bad material as well.

    But Theanna and LeeAnn who were the ones to most often look over my work were gracious with their constructive feedback. They were never too harsh, and always trying to make it better. Even with it being cliché or just out right terrible as I think of it now. But it was my first exploration into the joy of writing and I don't think they wanted to kill it. We also talked about homework at times as well and if I remember right we even compared notes on some assignments.

    Wednesday was also the day I always raided the soda machine as well. I usually drank two and sold the rest at a profit, which gave me back my lunch money by lunch time. Even back then I was a caffeine junky. Still am today, hence the coffee habit I have. It keeps me going during the day, but doesn't keep me up at night.

    I still remember the frantic printing going on, on Wednesday Mornings, because I hadn't gotten everything printed out on Tuesday Night before bed. All the while getting ready for school so that I wouldn't miss my bus. Being frantic and excited all at the same time to hang out with my friends with it just being us and the frantic part about missing the bus.

    Eventually the school got wind of it, and first they made it so you had to have a pass to come in early. Then they made it so you couldn't be in the cafeteria early. Finally they just stopped letting high school students come in early at all from what I heard. I don't know why we made them so nervous we were all good kids, but then again it was near the time of Columbine and all the other school shootings. When every school was being paranoid. But that is how us Americans react to anything violent we get paranoid about anything similar or out of the ordinary for us. That is meant as in general not to mean everyone.

    Sadly I miss those Wednesday Mornings, but I still have most of my friends from those days. Even as things have changed over the years. And some of them are even in my new writing group as we speak. Sometimes the past and the present go hand in hand. *Tips hat and walks out the door looking for more coffee.*

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