Friday, February 20, 2015

Throwback Thursday: The Bedroom At My Mother’s House


    I know I'm late again, but I was hanging out with friends and that was more important today. Tonight we'll be throwing back to my bedroom at my mother's house when I was a teenager. And I'll try to have Story Time Friday up earlier tomorrow.

    When I was a teenager I lived in a duplex of sorts and my bedroom was on the second floor. I had a weight bench in my room and my mom had her desk in there as well and I had a table of sorts for my word processor. I also had an awesome stereo and a twin size futon along with a television in an entertainment center with what at the time was known as a PlayStation, but would now be called a PlayStation One. I shared a small bookshelf with my mom on her desk as well. I was also allowed to use the desk but my mom had her computer on it so I couldn't put my word processor on it.

    When I wasn't with my friends I would either be working on writing on the word processor or reading while listening to music. Or more times than none I would be watching television. But even more often I would be playing video games. Then there were the times I would have the girl I was dating at the time over and we would be making out or having sex under my mom's nose until the one time I was caght and couldn't have a lock on my door anymore.

    I use to sit up late at night on weekends and watch Tales From The Crypt Keeper and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Both shows were amazing to be as a teenager and after they were over I would get told to go to bed. Which I would respond with going to bed, but leaving the television on low and falling asleep to it. I've found some of the same thrill as then in the Nightmare Magazine Podcast. It has creepy stories like Tales From The Crypt Keeper with a spooky host as well.

    I thought my room back then was awesome, and in some ways it was. In others it was too distracting possibly. Looking forward I know I need a more productive room if I'm going to get ahead in what I plan to do with my life. And that goes into how I'm designing my office/bedroom in present day. I'm still debating having a television in here, though the decision might be made for me on whether or not I have room for it or not in the end. That's really fine by me. As long as I have music I can function in my writing and reading world. I didn't really get a story down this time for the memoir, but I did get some inspiration for next week ironically. *Tips hat and walks out the door searching for writing prompt."

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