Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Let’s Talk About Women Destroy Science Fiction

    As the White Rabbit in Alice In Wonderland would say, "I'm late I'm late." It's been one of those days folks where I got up really late and I'm running behind on my work load for the day so bear with me today please. I would have been here sooner but I had a school assignment that I had to do.
    So tonight we are going to talk about Women Destroy Science Fiction from Lightspeed. I've been reading the anthology for a couple of months now here and there where I can find time, and I've been enjoying it a lot. This anthology came about as the result of all the complaints about women writers of Science Fiction, with people saying they were destroying it hence the title. So the owner of Lightspeed Magazine started a Kickstarter to produce this special issue. Along with bonuses if they reached stretch goals of Women Destroy Fantasy and Women Destroy Horror. I haven't read either of those issues yet, but I will talk about them when I do start reading them. And when I finish each of these three special issues I will review them.
    One of my favorites so far has people has plants and other genetic mutations looking for life out in space, and seemingly finding it. It is emotional and yet interesting all at the same time. As I think about it I like the addition of the more naturally feeling emotion in the stories I read in this anthology so far versus some other Science Fiction I've read. The only male author who has come close to doing that in the genre as well as the women writers in this anthology have is John Scalzi in his Old Man's War Series. With his love affair between John Perry and Jane Sagan.
    That speaks volumes to the quality of these women's talent as writers, and that they should be better known in the mainstream media. It is ridiculous that the only reason they are being kept down as Science Fiction Writers is because they are women. In this day and age we should be past sexual discrimination, but apparently we are that petty still as a species. I encourage everyone to pick up a Science Fiction novel by a female author and give it a shot. I've found a few titles I'm going to be trying to give a shot to in the coming months. Possibly in a book club and possibly just on my own.
    On a side note there is another Kickstarter going on for Queers Destroy Science Fiction at www.destroysf/queers,  and it is not a derogatory term in this case having been mostly reclaimed by the LGBT Community. Plus in the context it is being used to promote LGBT Writers of Science Fiction and if they reach there stretch goals also Horror and Fantasy. Hopefully you've enjoyed your time in the library today I know I enjoyed it. Maybe next time we'll talk about John Scalzi or Jim Butcher. *Tips hat and walks out the door heading for the kitchen*

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