Thursday, February 12, 2015

Throwback Thursday: The Dungeon

    Now I know that sounds ominous but it really isn't. It's just what I used to call my basement bedroom at my dad's place in my teenage years and preteen years. Would have been a better room if not so messy, but that was party my fault and partly those in charge of me for not making me pick it up. Though there was a bit of organization to the chaos I will admit. My music stuff was always organized for the most part. As were the books I was reading at the time, but not much else.

Probably if the couch had been taken out and a desk and bookshelf had been put in there it would have worked better. But I still made it work. Read on my bed, and worked at my word processor on top of my dresser at all hours of the night for the most part. Listening to sports talk radio and sports games of all kinds. What was I expecting for a radio signal down there in a basement after all other than AM Talk Radio.

I'd start out doing my homework around 5:30 PM and be done around 8. Then either read for a bit or go right into working on my writing. Just pounding away on those keys. Surprisingly I never got blisters from typing so much, and still never do. I'd work till I was hollered for to jump in the shower and then again till I was told I had to go to bed. Then fall asleep to the sports radio station. And wake up in the morning to my alarm.

In the afternoons I'd be down there blaring my music as loud as I could. Just jamming away. And typing away as well if I was inspired. Using my free time for my own purposes. But when 5:00 PM rolled around on went the sports radio since I had to keep it down and to reading I went before doing homework.

It was a pretty cozy room just needed a different set up to work better for me. I've never been the best at being organized though I have some sense of it in chaos to a degree. But working on improving being organized. Since I was so productive in "The Dungeon" it has made me want my office in my future house to be a basement one. I figure I'll get more work done that way. Then I'll have "The Dungeon 2". Though maybe this time I'll give it a view instead of a small rectangular window under a porch.

Don't get me wrong that was nice since it allowed me my privacy, but a view would be nice as well. I'm still not sure on which one to go with. But there will definitely not be any sports radio unless I'm listening to a game on the radio. Instead will be music to inspire me to write though not as loud as I would have played it in my younger days. But that is a bog post for another time, maybe later this week. We'll see. *Tips hat and walks out the door rubbing his chin thoughtfully.*

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