Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday Review: The Undead Pool

    I know, I know it's the dreaded Monday already returned, but fear not I have a Monday Review for you. Today I'll be reviewing The Undead Pool by Kim Harrison for you. It is the second to last book in her series The Hollows but don't let that discourage you. It is still a wonderful read and for fans of the series even more so as we finally get some of the results we've wanted from the series lately. Kim Harrison does a great job of bringing the series to the edge of completion here without actually finishing it off in this book.

    The characters evolve wonderfully here growing in leaps and bounds. Some in ways you wouldn't have imagined at the beginning of the series. It gives one a warm feeling to see them like this. It is like seeing kids grow into adults almost and seeing them just before they become adults.

    The plot is suspenseful as well with twists and turns. Kim Harrison always leaves her readers wondering how she is going to top the last book. And she does not disappoint here either. I still have no clue how she will top this one. OK so I told a white lie, I do know how the next one starts out, but that will have to wait till I review that one. This one is surrounded with the Elves deity The Goddess seemingly letting loose with her mystics through Rachel's tear in the Ever After. But all is not as it appears to be.

    This novel changes some of Cincinnati's environment thanks to the mystics though we will have to see if that carries over into the next book. In some of the chapters it was apocalyptical. But the setting didn't overshadow the plot or characters, which is a tricky balancing act to pull off for any novel. Especially one trying to wrap up a series without concluding it all together.

    Kim Harrison once again presents us with a masterpiece, even going beyond her normal standards to presents us with something that leaves us wondering how she will conclude the series. She brings us to the edge of our seats and lets us sit back at the end, but leaves us asking what the last chapter is in this epic tale. I give The Undead Pool five stars out of five stars. *Tips hat and walks out the door holding a book under his arm."

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