Thursday, October 1, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Me And Books As A Kid

            I know I am late today, but it has been one of those dreary gloomy type of days where you just don’t want to wake up and get out of bed. Plus I was talking with someone on the phone as well. We are approaching 200 posts and I’m not sure what to do special to mark the occasion though open to suggestions. I plan to be up late tonight since I am on my second cup of coffee and it is 10 PM here on the east coast. Just one of those days when I have to have my coffee. That and it is a bit chilly. Getting near time to shut the windows down for good for the year.  Time seems to fly by faster and faster, since I was 18 it has been that way. I still remember the first book store I walked into. It wasn’t one of those chain stores either. It was a small little store in Gorham called The Book Worm. Still open to this day as a matter of fact. Before then I had only seen books at book fairs, in drug stores, and at grocery stores.
            I will admit I was excited beyond words. My dad not so much. He isn’t the reading type though I hope to change that this Christmas with what I have planned for him. I’ll keep you posted on that one. But back to me going into this book store. They were wall to wall books. Barely any walking room since it was such a small store. They kept the young adult section near the front so they could keep an eye on us mischievous young’uns. I have never been in the back of the store before, but I think soon that will have to change. I think I might need to make a return there soon, but more about that tomorrow.
            The reason I bring up The Book Worm today is that is where I got a lot of the books that were popular when I was a kid. Well between there and book fairs. But it was mainly my trips to The Book Worm that I got a lot of books that were popular when I was a kid. Even some that weren’t as widely popular like The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein though many of his other books were very popular, which I got those ones as well. As I got older, more towards middle school roughly the books that became more read in my circles were R. L. Stine’s Fear Street Series and Christopher Pike. R. L. Stine had become popular earlier in my life for his Goosebumps Series as well. But I noticed him a bit more now than I had then as I became interested in horror a bit. Though neither him nor Christopher Pike could really scare me even as a kid.
            Judy Blume was popular with the girls, but then she spoke more to them than any of the guys it seems. The Book Worm even had The Hardy Boys when I went off into that branch of my reading after getting some of their books for Christmas one year. I read them for a while and then put them down till high school. But picked them up again for a bit as they had more mature adventures at my age. I think I read every genre as a kid including a little science fiction. And I thank having a wide diversity in reading for making me who I am today.  And I encourage everyone to have a wide diversity in their reading across genres. I still have to work on authors of color. But I will get there in time. I enjoy getting different perspectives on the world and even the universe as a whole. As well as emotions.
            I do apologize for this getting out late but I had a lot I wanted to say and as always it takes me a while to say it. I will be out and about tomorrow but thanks to my phone I will be writing in between doing errands. As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. For now I am going to try and get some sleep. Tomorrow I think we will cover me and book stores. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the bedroom. *

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