Friday, October 23, 2015

Rambling Friday: Getting Ready To Party Saturday

            Yes, that’s right I am getting ready for a party tomorrow. It’s being thrown by Sylvia Stein to celebrate her new book, Chasing Clarity, coming out in paperback. It is from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Facebook. Then from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Sylvia Stein will be taking your questions on Twitter just use #SylChasers. Tomorrow will be loads of fun and I will be there asking questions and promoting a book I believe in and am loving reading.
            Tonight had some missionaries come by they gave me a copy of The Book of Mormon and we had a pleasant conversation. They told me about their beliefs and some of the history behind the book. I could feel power stirring in the room as they spoke. I will be reading it and searching for wisdom and guidance. I don’t plan to convert but I never say never. I still refuse to give up my coffee though or my couple of drinks I have from time to time. But I think I can find some steps to take towards living better in the book and with the missionaries help.
            I got up late today because I stayed up late working on a project for publication. I got it finished, just need to do some editing on it and will be sending it off to the editor. Two years in a row getting published I am so excited. Slowly but surely I am getting my name out there in readers’ circles. I might not be an overnight success like Stephen King but I will be a success I am determined to be. I am enjoying the doors opening for me. And where I can I’m opening doors for others as well.
            And I think I mentioned it yesterday but in case I didn’t I am all caught up in school. And if I have time tonight I will be starting my rough draft for the final project tonight. If not will be doing it tomorrow. I am excited for it and have ideas bubbling in my head for it already. Mainly I plan to write it as a political speech since it is for Political Science class. Hopefully that will go over well with the Professor. I’m still maintaining a B in the class but I know I should be doing better so I am going to work on bringing my grade up with the time I have remaining.
            I’ve got another project in the works as well for hopeful publication next year in VimFire. Still trying to flesh it out a bit more. But right now it is in the drafting/free writing stage. I am just playing around with it and figure out where I want it to go. My problem is I have so many directions I can go with it but not sure which way to go with it yet. So I am exploring each trying to figure out where my characters are trying to take me. It is chaotic as can be at the moment, but there again I am just getting started with it.
            Hopefully I will be able to get out this weekend and at least do some people watching. Just need to get out of the house again. Starting to get cabin fever again and it has only been a day I have been in the house. It’s a weird feeling for me. I am used to wanting to be in the house and this year I have been wanting to be outside of the house more and more. I know during the winter I will want to be in places, but outside of the house still more and more. So I have to start working at the desk more and more.
            I hope to see you all at Sylvia Stein’s party on Facebook between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM and then on twitter for the Q&A from 7:00 PM to 8:00 Pm. Remember for the Q & A to use the #SylChasers. As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you don’t want to risk missing a post click the follow button. As for me I am off to make a late dinner. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the kitchen. * 

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