Sunday, October 4, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Where Oh Where Does The Time Go To Read

            Sorry I have been so quiet the past couple of days. Been having sleep issues much like tonight except the reverse tonight were I can’t sleep. I can’t seem to win in the sleep department lately. Nor in the time I want department. Before tonight I hadn’t found anytime to read at all. Well that isn’t entirely true I had been able to read a couple chapters from a new book here and there. But that was about it. Seems like lately there is not enough time in any day. But I am trying to find a way to work with what time I have in the day as well as what sleep I can get. And I think because I have the money I am going to go out to the movies tonight and maybe even dinner. Still trying to decide on that. But I do have to do some clothes shopping as well still but that might be able to wait till next month. Though I did order two shirts already this month from One for The Crypt Keeper from Tales Of The Crypt Keeper and one paying tribute to Vincent Price.
            October is an interesting month for me. It has my favorite holiday out of the year next to Christmas in it. Plus the weather is normally the nicest out the year for me as well. But it is also when I read the most horror as well. I like trying to scare myself in October. It is a fun past time of mine. Reminds me I have to put up nominations in the book club again. Wonder what we will get this time around. It has really gone downhill, but I am trying to pump the life back into it. Hopefully over time it will come around. I did end up getting some sleep today and sleeping the whole day away. I really have to stop doing that. I’ll figure out a way to eventually, I always do.
            And as some of you know and now all of you will now know I am a plushie collector. I like stuffed animals what can I say. I have my eye on a Pikachu with a Charizard Hoodie on. Just waiting on advice on whether I should pay as much as they are asking for it. It is tempting but I still have to have money for tomorrow night as well. I could always wait till after tomorrow night and see. Probably the better course of action. And yes even though I am a softie at heart I am looking forward to WWE wrestling tomorrow night. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Vince. I called it wrestling because that is what it is like it or not. There will be pictures and I will try to share them as wide and far as I can. But will probably be after the event. I plan to enjoy it as it is happening while taking pictures and all. And grabbing some souvenirs, plus maybe some popcorn or something since we are eating dinner after the show.
            I think this Sunday will both be the end and start of my week crazy as it sounds. Just the end of a bad week and the beginning of a week that is hopefully better. I refuse to stop pushing myself. I want to be out more and I am determined to do so. I did it last month and I will do it this month as well. And as we get closer to Spring I will be looking into gardening books. I want to get into growing plants. I haven’t had the best luck with them in the past, but hopefully that will change. I know this is getting out late but been a long day and I still have to do some school work. Not really looking forward to it. Ordered a pizza it is getting so late and hungry again after an early dinner.
            Hopefully I will get some time in tonight for reading tonight. Not sure though since I have to be up early in the morning. Definitely know I will need coffee tomorrow. Just because I am not tired yet and still have to get up early tomorrow. I think I will work on one of my writing projects as well as school work tonight. Might get somewhere with it. But first schoolwork. So as always feel free to leave your comments and questions below. As for me I have to get studying. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the study. *

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