Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Monday Beginnings: The Week Is Off To An Awesome Start

            I do apologize for not being here yesterday but had sleep issues and was at WWE Live. I was not about to miss that. It was awesome and let to a great start to my week. I still managed to get all my schoolwork done on time. Still working on the sleep issues though getting a little traction with them. Now if I can just get better traction with them will be all set. But I am confident as always that I will overcome them. And this is going to be out late since I spend a few hours talking to someone very special to me, and I will reveal that someone eventually to you, my readers. Just know that I have a smile on my face ear to ear. And that I am thinking this will work out so expect to know who she is very soon. Maybe even this week.
            In other news that is far less teasing WWE last night was awesome as I said before. We got to see Cesaro, and he even pulled out his version of the airplane spin for us. There was Fandango taking advantage of Heath Slater making a mistake and pinning him quickly getting a great win. You had all the Wyatts there. They all lost as I remember. Though sometimes my memory plays tricks on me. Roman Reigns was a monster in the main event. He took a beating and dished out an even bigger one. The Queen of Hearts Natalya was there taking on Tamina and got the win with a very sweet Sharpshooter. She also shocked me with her entrance with how in the face of the crowd she was. It was amazing. I got to high five Ryback and one of the Lucha Dragons as well. And took a lot of pics that will be posted on my Instagram, aedensdad13.
            It was great to get out last night and see WWE. Just wish I could have enjoyed it even more. But my right foot is messed up again and I am getting sick of it being chronically messed up so calling the doctor tomorrow. Meant to do so today but I kind of overslept. Reminder you only have one body so take care of it as best you can. And I know I need to work on that as well. Also coming up this week I will be finalizing my plans for Thanksgiving. And sometime this month or early next month before the snow falls here in Maine I will have a new profile picture up on my profiles. It is already past most of the planning stages. Just have to do some final planning for it. So keep your eyes peeled.
            If it looks like I am on the move that is because I am. I’m planning to get out to the movies sometime this week and see The Martian. I also plan to try and make it over to the Portland Public Library this week and next as well as next week get my library card back. No plans on getting anything out yet just want it back just in case. I still have to get to the theater sometime in the next two weeks to see Black Mass as well. Plus I have a couple of appointments coming up that I will make sure not to miss. Just going round and round and loving every minute of it. And since things have worked out as they have I’m doing the majority of my Christmas Shopping this month. But will all be worth it I have no doubt about it.
            So yeah my week has started off with a bang. And I am riding the rocket through the week. I hope everyone else is off to a great if not awesome start. Don’t miss the Chasing Clarity Release Party on Facebook either. It is coming right up. As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. As for me I think I’m going to live a bit dangerously and have some ice cream tonight before I start my reading. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the kitchen. *

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