Friday, October 30, 2015

Rambling Friday: Getting Ready For Halloween

            Still having sleep issues though partly my own fault as I push myself to stay up late to finish schoolwork, but it has to get done. But I did take a few naps yesterday so I should be fairly good to go for a little while today. And yesterday was interesting for me as well. I reached out to someone who used to bully me and I think I made a new friend. At least I hope I have. I probably could have back in high school when I went back but I went back with a chip on my shoulder. I’ve since gotten rid of that chip and done a lot of maturing like all of us from back then have. We have all found ourselves for the most part. Some are still working on it, and if they are reading this I’m always a message away and willing to help. That goes for anyone reading this as well. I’ll answer and ask questions and give advice if you want. But only you can ultimately guide your ship through the currents of life. But I will give as much support as I can.
            I will be being published in an anthology around November 15 of this year. Still getting more details and as I get them so will you. I am really excited about this project. I couldn’t have made it as good as I did without my editor Lynette Lee. She is a miracle worker in the editing department. Stay tuned for more details on her as well. I’m really excited for this anthology. I know I was published last year and that was great don’t get me wrong. But that was with friends and we did it ourselves. This time I am being published by someone who isn’t a friend and doesn’t know me from a hole in the wall, so it means more in a different way. Though I will probably end up friends with the publisher. You never know.
            And today I start gearing up for Halloween. Getting the burgers and popcorn and candy for that night. Plus, picking out the scary movies I will be watching. Along with picking out the scary stories I will be reading. Personally I think I am just going to read stories from Nightmare Magazine since they are nice and creepy for me. They don’t scare me really but they do make me wonder and sent a nice little chill down my spine at times. I’ll have to think of what else I need to get for tomorrow night as well. I’m sure I’m forgetting something. Maybe some chips and dip not sure though. I just know I plan to stay up all night enjoying it. I know it will screw up my sleeping pattern possibly but I can fix it in time before it gets out of control I am confident.
            Looking back on the month I didn’t get out as much as I wanted to, but I still got out a lot. Though mainly to appointments and stuff. I will be aiming for more time next month. Especially since I have started to enjoy people watching. And you never know who you are going to meet on the street. And I did get to spend a lot of time with family this month, which was good for me. I want to get as much time just sitting out and about as I can before the snow sets in. I’m not a big fan of sitting out and about when the snow is out. I general just want to get where I am going. But I am picking out places to go for the winter.
            One of them is definitely the movie theater. I’m also thinking about the public library as well. Maybe even the public market as well. They do have good food up there and some coffee so I could sit up there for a while and relax. There is also window shopping possibly I know a few stores in the area I want to look into a bit. Going to be looking into more. Plus, there is the mall and I have a few friends to visit during the winter as well. And there is the museum, which I hope to check out next month. But they are always bringing in new exhibits so I won’t get bored to easily.
            Normally for winter I would stay home like a hermit, but I am determined not to do that this year. Getting out has been really good for me. I’m even planning a trip for February to see Ashley. More on that as it gets closer. I just have to be careful I don’t away too far in any one direction. I know balance is the key to it. I figure be out during the day and working on stuff at night and watching a movie late at night before reading and going to bed or something like that. I’m still fine tuning all the details at the moment. I’ll get it there eventually. Right now it is just a cluster of ideas.
            Well I think I have rambled along enough for one day. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. Plus, don’t miss a post by clicking the follow button. As for me I think I might grab a snack. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the kitchen. *

1 comment:

  1. Great progress, Chris. Also, congrats on the upcoming publication!
