Thursday, October 29, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Me And Halloween

            I know I wasn’t around yesterday, but I just couldn’t stay awake for some reason. Now I am wide awake for the most part and before writing this I flipped through Facebook a bit. Only thing that really got my mind turning was an eggless Mayo that I might try, so that I can improve my cholesterol and help in my weight loss a bit. I’m always for healthier food to eat after all. Though I don’t care what WHO says I am not giving up my bacon or my processed meats. Sorry I will take my chances with that stuff since I only get it like once a month for the most part, maybe twice a month. But that is a rant better saved for another time. For today we are talking about me and Halloween through the years.
            I wasn’t always in love with Halloween as a holiday like I am today. It started more in my teen years when I had more freedom to do things on Halloween Night. As well as around that time I started to enjoy scary stuff more. Though still not a big fan of haunted houses, but working on that more. And they definitely don’t seem as scary as when I was a kid. I thank Mrs. Gagnon’s mother for that. She knew how to get inside my imagination and make it work to my advantage. She always made things much more fun and knew how to get me thinking outside the box. On a side note she is probably one of the reasons I am a writer today. But alas I am starting to sway from the topic at hand.
            As a kid my dad either took me around to a few houses in the neighborhood trick or treating. Basically driving me to every house instead of walking, which would have done my weight a lot better even in those days. Or he took me down to the local fire station that he was a member of for the Halloween party. Many of those trips were as a California Raisin because he spent his money on toys for himself mainly instead of a Halloween Costume for me. Although on a side note he was good to me for the most part at Christmas time and still is. But back to where I was going. The fire barn as we always called the station had a haunted house every year in half of it. For the first few years it scared the crap out of me. Mostly I just hung out, but not many of my friends were there, not really sure where they were. Probably someplace I was not invited because of being such an outcast from being socially isolated. But I do believe we have covered that ground already. So I would mi and mingle as best I could, which I am not that good at even to this day.
            Then one year Mrs. Gagnon’s mom asked to take me. I was excited to for the first time in a long time for the Halloween Party at the fire barn. She had me filled with stories of her being an an agent for them and how she needed me as a deputy to make sure everything was going right in the haunted house since they all recognized her. I was scared of the haunted house sure. But being giving a responsibility to do something for good made me braver. That Halloween was a blast; I mean sure the haunted house scared me. But not as bad as in years past by far. I felt stronger after going through it that year and more accepted after it a bit too. I still didn’t mingle too well but she helped as best as she could. I think it was there that my love of Halloween was lit though only as embers at the time.
            As I got older I went to other parties in Portland instead of always being stuck out in Gorham. I marched in the annual Halloween Parade that goes through the West End of Portland spooking out in a sense the malicious spirits. Gone trick or treating all through the city. Shared scary stories with friends. Even went to a graveyard once on Halloween. Respectfully of course. One thing that was constant throughout school was the next day candy bragging. Or in other words bragging about how much candy you got. I stayed out of that game. I was just happy for the fun and spookiness that had raged the night before.
            But now I am getting older and my friends have all moved to different places for the most part. I mean sure I have the annual Halloween Dance to go to. But I still don’t mingle well and it is the night before Halloween. Part of me misses the excitement of days gone by and part of me is still up for it though there is nothing really going on that appeals to me. I was never the bar type really unless it was a slow night where you could actually talk in a bar. You know one of those cozy hole in the wall places that few people go to that you can sit and talk with your drink. Not like these loud and packed to the wall places now. But I think I will save stories of me and bars for next week. If the theaters were doing a scary movie marathon I would go to that for sure. Have dinner nearby and invite some close friends. Maybe another year. This year at this point I am just sitting at home watching scary movies and reading some scary stories to creep myself out hopefully. As well as eating candy, popcorn, burgers, and fries. And whatever else I might decide to dine on that night.
            But who knows something might come up. You never know. Halloween has never been the same really since I was married on it. A marriage, which quickly went south. Not because of me but because of my soon to be ex-wife. The papers will finally be signed in the next two years. But still it has taken its toll on me already. Both good and bad. As always leave your questions and comments below. And don’t miss a single post click that follow button please. As for me I have a now late paper to finish before I go to the movies later today. *Tips his hat and walks out the creaking door towards the study. *

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