Sunday, October 25, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: Companionship

            I know I am late today but I slept all day unfortunately. I hope it is not the return of my sleep problems. But over the past few weeks I have been thinking on a few things as well. One of them being companionship. We all seek it in many forms throughout life. We seek it from friends, family, and even in lovers. It’s an important part of being human for all of us. No one likes being alone after all. I know from experience that being isolated is miserable and not healthy for myself. So I can’t see it being healthy or empowering for anyone else.
            It is important for us to be able to share ideas and experiences with other people. It helps us grow both mentally and emotionally. As well as discover new ideas along the way. The people we make companionships with help inspire us as well. They comfort us when we are hurt or down. They share in our joy and successes. And we are there for them likewise. As we walk through life with them.
            But there are different kinds of companions in all our lives and each serves a different role. There is family who stands by us through thick and thin encouraging us in all we do. Showing unconditional love along the way. Whether we are up or down in life. They help us out when they can and we help them out when we can. As the motto of my family goes, “Family takes care of family.”
            Then you have the friends you meet all through your life. Some are with you your whole life and some are with you only part of it. They share ideas with you and you with them. You inspire each other and root each other on to success. You have each other’s back in times of trouble. You share troubles and sorrows with each other that you don’t want to share with family or others. You bond of silly things that only you and them get. You bond over books and movies and even sometimes sports. Friends in many cases become like a second family.
            Finally, we come to the most intimate of companions the lover. That special person that you can confide anything in. Who also drives you wild sexually. And at the same time you can discuss anything with them. And they inspire you in ways no one else can. Plus, they understand you better than anyone ever can. They drive you to be a better person in every way possible. They also comfort you like no other can in times of loss. They are like no other companion you will ever have and the one you search the hardest for in life.
            As you can tell we have many different types of companions and these are only a few of the types of companions we meet throughout our lives as well as some if not the most important ones. They make us more human and empathic as well. And help us connect to our fellow human beings better. Since all of our companions have different likes and personalities. They teach us compassion and understanding as well.
            So as you go out into to the world make as many connections as possible. You never know who will turn out to be your next companion. As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you don’t want to miss a single exciting post click the follow button. As for me I have some late night studying to do tonight. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the study. *

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