Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday Insight: Kids Television Today

Admittedly I slept all day, but I was up all night working on a class paper. And then went out for coffee with a friend and hung out for a while before going to sleep. So not totally a bad thing in this case. I also discovered last night that I like jazz, which I will discuss at a later time. But a while ago in a column I started to go on about kids’ television. I figured I better get around to finishing that little rant at some point. So why not today? Seems as fine a time as any.  When I was a kid television seemed to treat kids as if they had a brain. Now a days televisions treats kids like mindless zombies for the most part. There are exceptions and I don’t mean just PBS. There are some cartoons out there with good writing. Unfortunately, they are normally meant for older kids.
What I want is for a television writer to really sink his or her teeth into writing television that is both entertaining and smart for younger kids. And that doesn’t have to be educational. Is that really too much to ask? I don’t think it is. We ask the same thing out of television writers for adults why not kids as well. And tell give me that stupid answer of well because they are just kids. That is a ridiculous. I remember seeing a couple of kids’ book series transformed into television series when I was both a younger and older kid. And I think there should be more of that. Since it can be done well and the stories are good for the most part. It could even be done with books made for slightly older kids between young adult books and kids’ books.
            I mean there is not a lack of source material to make good children’s television or at least to get ideas for it. We have some ideas that are still going on from my childhood that are starting to get stale now. We need fresh new ideas to propel us forward. We need new kids’ television writers. And it can’t all just come from comic books. Some of it has to come from games and books. We need writers to step up to the plate and companies to take a chance on ideas once more. We need smart ideas again.
            It inspires kids not just in play but also in education as well. It makes them want to learn and aspire to be the things they see on television. We used to strive to inspire the next generation now it seems we just want them to be mindless robots and that is just plain wrong. We should inspire the dreamers of the future generations. We should make them dream and imagine. It is wrong to turn today’s youth into mindless zombies through television. We should strive to inspire them even if that television ends up online. It should still be good smart television.
            How would you like it if your television was mindless and stupid? You would probably flip the channel or go online to find something you liked even if you had to go back years to find it. And wouldn’t watch anything new till they made it smart again. Well unfortunately kids don’t have that choice if they want to watch television since for some that is their only form of entertainment. So don’t we owe it to them to demand smarter television for them. We do it for ourselves so why not them too.
            I’ll get down off my soapbox for now, but seriously think about what I’ve said today. As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. As for me I am going to have a late dinner and get to work on some more school work and be up late tonight. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the kitchen. *

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