Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Making The Best Of Insomnia

            Happy Monday everyone, and I hope you are all having a good start to the week. At the moment insomnia has me wide awake, so either during or after writing this column I will hopefully be getting some sleep. Either that or wait till tonight and pass out early. I am hoping to have my editor look over my story one more time before I submit it. But if that isn’t possible I will be submitting it today. I am super excited about it as well in case you hadn’t been able to tell. I have finally been getting regular reading time in. Though it means later nights which I am getting used to once more. Not sure how it will work with me wanting to be up early.
            Maybe I will just need a nap during the day is all. I’ll have to figure out how to work that into the day at some point. I’ll hopefully be getting out today or tomorrow and going to see a movie now that my movie pass app is working right. And I am back after sleeping all day once more. And it looks like I will be making it to the movies Wednesday. But might be going out for some coffee with a friend Tuesday morning. But have to be home in the afternoon to receive some furniture my mom promised me. On a more productive note I got my submission for the Christmas anthology submitted and just waiting to hear back from the editor of it.
            Working on my next submission after I get done schoolwork tonight, which I will be doing after finishing up here. And yes surprisingly for me I have cabin fever, which is still a new thing for me. Maybe if the weather is good tomorrow and mom is feeling good I will see if she wants to go sit some place and just enjoy the view. Will depend on how she is feeling of course. But it is worth a shot. And I can work on writing various things while I am doing that as well. Just really need a good portion of tomorrow to be outside of the house if possible. Just something calling me to that at the moment.
            I’m still staying on top of my reading though at the same time. Though not reading as much as I want to, but getting there. Class and writing have just been taking u a lot of time as well as trying to get out more. Then there is the fact I am having sleeping issues again, which are hopefully short lived. But I am enjoying what I am getting to read. And you will get to find out why and how much when I review it. It will be worth the wait trust me. I’m also keeping my eye out for new reads like any book worm does. I swear I am going to need a new book shelf by the end of the year at the rate I am going.
            I suppose I should get to my schoolwork before it gets too late as much as I am not looking forward to it. As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you don’t want to miss a post ever click that follow button. As for me I am off to work on my paper for class. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the study. *

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