Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Let’s Try To Do Better This Week

            Getting started a little late today, probably my body’s way of saying slow it down a bit I’m not ready to go a hundred miles an hour full time like you have been pushing me to. Which is true I have been pushing it hard and having a good time at the same time. Though I got a bit out of balance in some areas as I was doing it. So this week I play catch up a bit. Mostly between school work and reading for personal time. I figure school during the day and reading at night at this point. But man I have been having a blast and there will be pics following it soon. Maybe not here but on other social networks outside of the blog where the link to the blog is shared to.
            I have some books finished that as soon as I can do it will be double posting reviews on Mondays for and there are future requests for books to be reviewed which I will be doing. I’m glad to be getting requests for reviewing books makes me feel like people outside of my friends list realize I know what I am talking about. Currently reading Chasing Clarity by Sylvia Stein. Just started it today and it has me smiling and crying as I read it like her last one did. I know you probably want to know more but you’ll have to wait for my review for that. It felt good to read something for pure enjoyment again today. Instead of just a text book.
            I still have some research to read tonight on Pinterest to get work on my outline done. And might even get my outline done tonight. But that is my major focus over the next couple of days. And then jumping into the rough draft and sometime in between all of that doing all the book work I need to have done this week. Plus, on top of all that I have tons of appointments this week, so it will be one heck of a ride. Finally getting my foot looked at to see what has been causing me so much pain over the last 6 months roughly. Well they are doing an MRI on it to see what might be wrong and then we are going from there. Since X-Rays showed nothing. But they know something is there so they are trying to find the problem.
            I’ve also decided what I’m going to be doing Halloween unless someone makes a better offer. I will be at home eating candy and popcorn watching scary movies and reading scary stories. Might even go see a movie in theaters that day as well. Will depend on how I am feeling. Might have a couple of friends join me for the spookfest, But not sure yet. Just kind of want to embrace the scary aspect of Halloween this year. And if I can enjoy it with others so be it.  I plan to do decorating better next year wherever I am. Just feels too restrictive in this building to do any type of decorating. But I can enjoy some other aspects of the season at least.
            At the same time, I am trying to find time to work on a Christmas Story ironically to send in to be published hopefully in an anthology. Finally figured out the direction it is going to go in, which is a bit A Christmas Carol and a bit of a horror story sort of. Not sure how well it will work out, but hopefully it balances just right. I’m also working on another short story for submission to VimFire that I hope will get published there. I’m just a busy little Beaver lately. But at the same time I have to keep focused on school and my goals there.
            But it is getting a bit late and I have some reading to do for class. Tomorrow I will be on my soapbox though not sure if the serious one or the milder one yet. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. I get the feeling I will be up late tonight so I am going to grab some Mountain Dew. And if you haven’t grabbed a copy of Sylvia Stein’s Chasing Clarity I recommend that you do. It is on sale at Barnes & Noble as well as on Amazon. Her celebration of it coming out on paperback is this Saturday on Facebook be there or you will be missing a great party. I know I won’t miss it for the world. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the fridge. *

1 comment:

  1. I have read Sylvia Stein's Chasing Clarity and I can highly recommend it as well. Her book is a story of hope and can be applied in many situations. Also, glad to hear Christopher that you are a busy little beaver and have made some plans for how you will celebrate Halloween. You made me realize that I need to start thinking about the holidays and figure out what I will do at each so that I look forward to my plans, and not wait for others who may or may not come through with things I wish for. If that happens, I can always be free to change my plans if that is my wish, but that can be my choice. Living single at times you have to figure out a different plan than the rest of the world, but that is okay and certainly a valid learning experience. Proud of you and all your accomplishments and nice to learn from each other.
