Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday Free Write: Narrowing Down Political Science Final Project

            Today will be a double posting day since I am in a jam on my final project for Political Science and need to use the blog to sound it out and I have a topic to talk about as well. My jam is I am stuck between two topics for my final project selection. On one hand I have prison reform which I have great ideas for and on the other is education reform which I also have great ideas for. I don’t know a lot about what is going on in the prisons currently but have some ideas from people I have talked to. I do know what is going on in education from reading about it and experiencing it and talking to people.
            Not sure if going with the topic that I have more info on is better or if going with the topic I would have to do more research on is better. Granted I am not the best researcher in college, but I am getting better at it as I go along. And I would have someone to point me in the right direction with education reform versus prison reform.  Both require research to prove my view on the topic but with education I have more help. Plus I think I have spoken on my views of prison reform here before, though I am not 100% sure on that as we approach our 200th post. You heard right we are approaching 200 posts on the blog. Not sure what I will do for the 200th post but I have to give it some thought soon.
            But back to the topic at hand I think I will go with education since I can get more help with it. Also I believe I have covered my views on prison reform before. So it makes sense to delve into a topic I have yet to cover here. As I dive into this class. And unless I want to visit prisons I am not going to get much hands on perspective about the topic of prison reform. But I can get a good idea of education reform and even ask to visit a couple of local schools if need be to get a hands on feel for education reform. Which is much more comfortable than prison I am sure.
            Though I might do a separate research paper for here on prison reform again at some point. Just to have it more academically laid out for you, my readers. But for now I have my topic for class. So my next step is to write up my topic proposal and get it submitted to class and then write the blog entry I planned to write for today originally. As always feel free to leave comments and questions below. *Tips his hat and walks out the door to the kitchen for a drink.*

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