Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Ashley

Been out and about today and having a blast. Didn’t make it to the movies like I originally planned but did get to have coffee with a good friend. Plus, got to do some people watching as well. It is amazing the characters you meet when you are out and about. Writing this as I’m riding on the bus home. Jamming to tunes at the same time on my Bluetooth. I just got home and still jamming to tunes. And today we are in the library. And I figured it was time to introduce you to another special person in my life. I don’t know where things are going yet but either way she is going to remain an important part of my life.
Her name is Ashley and she is from Texas. She is a Professor at a local college and a writer as well. Hence me preferring the library to introduce you to her. We talk on the phone just about every day and in between on Facebook. It always brightens my day when I get to talk to her. We talk about life and what we want for the future. We also talk about what is bothering us as well and try to help each other with it. We are supportive of each other and do our best to motivate each other as well. She has three kids but that doesn’t daunt me in the least bit. I have met her youngest as he got onto the phone one night while we were talking. It was cute.
We both have the same educational goals in mind for ourselves. As well as wanting the same type of job while working on our writing. So we talk about it learning from each other. Me more from her than the other way around. But I put in ideas as they pop into my head and things from my past that I know have worked before. Right now I am working on a story that I hope to have published in an anthology she is going to be published in, which we both think would be pretty cool.
We are even working on helping each other drop some weight more me than her. She is gorgeous in my eyes. Not sure how much help I am during this season with weight issues since this is normally my season to be a bit of a glutton. We are both working on eliminating problems in our diets and she is working on helping me get more exercise. Though that is not an easy thing to do. Though since I’ve been talking to her more I have been getting out of the house more and going to do stuff outside of the house more often. So she does have me going in the right direction.
I lose track of time talking to her when we talk on the phone. It just seems to slip by like nothing to me. And we zip from topic to topic without missing a beat. Normally people can’t follow my path from one topic to another but she does it flawlessly. It is impressive I must admit. I enjoy hearing about her day and put my two cents in to try and make it better for her. I never want her to be down or unhappy. I always want her to feel upbeat and motivated.
I’m just finally starting to get my motivation to where I want it to be and to feel more energized. I know it is a long hard battle and I want to help her win it any way I can. I have had a lot of help in my life and I want to help others as well since it is only right in my eyes. But it is more than that I feel a connection to her as well. I’m still exploring it as we talk more and more. But I know one thing for sure she is going to be part of my life going forward no matter what.
            I know I am being vague here but I have no clue yet what the future holds concretely yet so I am leaving the road open to change. But I also want you to know that she is an amazing woman. And I hope I conveyed that here. So feel free to leave comments and questions below. As for me I have to figure something out for dinner. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the kitchen. *

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