Sunday, October 11, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: It’s Been A Hell Of A Week

            I do apologize for this being so late and being away most of this week. Been a week of sleep issues as well as health issues. Ending up with me waiting on an appointment to get an MRI for my foot. And making some progress on my sleep issues, which makes me happy. I’ve also got some reading to do over the next couple of weeks, some that I plan to enjoy. For all of you who missed Sylvia Stein’s release Party you missed a heck of a party. Make sure to make it over to Elle Henry’s Release Party scheduled for October 16 on Facebook. I will be there and I plan to pick up her book, More Than Words, in both regular book form and Kindle form. It is sure to be a great party, make sure to get in on it.
            I have to redo my weekly to do list over the weekend as well and I keep forgetting to put up nominations in the book club. But I am determined to get that done tomorrow. Plus, I have to get up early to prepare for furniture coming tomorrow from my step father’s old place. Been hard getting things going the way I want to have them this term, but slowly I am getting there. I also found out that I will have Thanksgiving week off from school, which is great since I will be in Texas. You will find out more about that come Wednesday next week. I have a few entries already partially written for next week as well. And starting Monday for the next few weeks there will be double postings on Mondays. One will be our normal banter and the other will be a review.
            I’ve gotten behind on my reviews lately. I’ll be getting to the movies for sure this coming week. Tomorrow is a family BBQ which I am looking forward to. So part of tomorrow’s column will probably be written a bit from my phone. And posted sometime that night but not as late as this hopefully. And next week I will be doing a new profile picture for my profiles. Getting everything rolling for the fall season as it comes into being full blown. Still struggling with my weight but going to start a new exercise program next week and see if that helps. Plus, I have some great support in this so it should help as well.
            But it is getting late so I better start wrapping up today’s column. Plus, I have to send an email out before bed to a writer acquaintance I keep meaning to email. As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. As for me I am going to go get something to drink and send an email. Hope everyone has had a good Saturday. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the kitchen. *  

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