So I’m up on one of my rare sleepless nights, and I
figured would start today’s column early. Never quite sure what keeps me awake
on these nights just something won’t let me go to sleep. Well I finally got to
sleep since I started out on today’s column and then slept all day. Not too
happy about that. But getting my butt into gear now. I wasn’t sure what to talk
about today till I looked at my bookshelves and saw The Bobby Dollar Series by Tad Williams staring back at me. Though
it is the only thing I have read by him I figured I would talk about him and
the series in the library today.
The series follows Bobby Dollar an advocate angel as he
gets caught up in a scandalous conspiracy first and then as it gets deeper and
deeper. Even as he falls in love with a Demon. Then when he finds out his partner and best
friend is the traitor to Heaven he has to make a hard choice. Which makes
things even more tangled up. Then he jumps into Hell to try and save his Demon
lover giving us a look inside of there. It is one hell of a trip pardon the
Tad Williams has certainly created some memorable
characters in this series as well as a fictional place that seems very real.
Along with making people question just how the spiritual realm works. Makes me
wonder what lies in other books he has written and want to read them as well. I
find that he doesn’t use a word without meaning to seemingly. But that he also
goes deep with his thoughts in writing. Plus he uses rich language while making
it easy to read and follow at the same time. If I remember hearing write one of
his other books is a cat adventure unlike anything you could imagine, which
intrigues me.
I think Tad Williams is going to become a member of the
growing list of authors that I follow as far as reading books when they come
out. I’m hoping I can get an autographed copy of the next book in the series
when it comes out. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one. I encourage you
check to out Tad Williams. Especially The
Bobby Dollar Series. Feel free to leave comments below on what you think of
Tad Williams or any recommendations of books of his that you have read. For now
I’m going to get to work on try to get my school work in early. *Tips his hat
and walks out the door heading for the study.*
Another great post!